38 - Gary

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Tony ran and ducked behind a car, looking down at a man who lied on the ground in the gutter. "Crazy, huh?"


"Watch this." He turned to look behind him before pushing off the car and diving through a window and into the nearest store. He slid on the ground for a moment before standing up only to see the woman from earlier pointing a loaded shotgun at his face.

He ran and ducked behind the counter that held the cash register and landed with a grunt. He backed against the counter and tried to peak over it. Upon not seeing anything, he lowered his body again, only to come face to face with the woman.

She grabbed his collar and lifted him up, pinning him to a wall. She punched him, sending him to the floor right before grabbing his arm and flipping him onto the ground.They fought back and forth for a bit before Tony was able to get his cuffed hands in front of him and use them to pin her to the counter by her neck with the chain. Her skin turned a bright red as it heated up and snapped the chain in half, freeing the billionaire's hands and sending the cuffed scraps onto the ground with an orange glow.

Upon turning to his left, the man spotted a half-filled tank of gasoline. Tony opened the lid and tilted it on its side, kicking it toward Ellen and letting the gas leak to form a trail. The man kicked one of the scraps of burning metal and set the trail on fire, creating a wall of flames between him and his opponent while he slipped through the door and into the kitchen.

Tony was quick to open a microwave and throw a pair of dog tags into it before closing it and turning it on. He hid behind a corner and closely watched the door into the kitchen for signs of the woman. "You walked right into this one. I've dated hotter chicks than you."

The woman stumbled around the corner and Tony reached around to the back of the industrial stove and pulled the gas tube from it while she got to her feet. "That's all you got? A cheap trick and a cheesy one-liner?"

"Sweetheart, that could be the name of my autobiography." He ran to the ice machine and opened the door of it just as the dog tags in the microwave started to pop and crackle. The appliance exploded, causing the gas that had seeped into the air in the kitchen to catch with it. The room exploded and Tony winced and hid behind the flat piece of metal, doing his best to protect his body from the heat of the explosion.

When he was able to stand back up, he slowly stumbled out of the building, watching locals run through the streets. He looked up to see Ellen's body hanging atop a couple power lines.


"Let me go!" Tony slowly approached Savin, who held a struggling Harley in his arms.

The captor mocked the young boy as he struggled in his grip, "Help me!" He smirked as he looked at Tony, "Anyway- Hey kid, what would you like for Christmas?"

Harley locked eyes with Tony, "Mr. Stark, I am so sorry."

"No, no, no. I think he was trying to say, 'I want my goddamn file.'" The smile dropped from Savin's face.

"It's not your fault, kid." Tony paused for a moment to think, "Remember what I told you about bullies?"

Harley paused for a moment because he reached into his pocket and grabbed the cylindrical object that he had been given earlier. He shut his eyes and turned the end toward the man holding him. The kid pressed the button on the other end and a bright flash emitted from the end, disorienting Savin and giving him time to escape.

"You like that, Westworld?" Tony spared a glance at Harley standing behind him. "That's the thing about smart guys, we always cover our ass."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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