11 - You Promised

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Y/n pov

I awoke to the sound of Obadiah opening the door and slamming and locking it behind him. I could see him when he sat down on a stool in front of the suit. He pulled something froma bag. Tony's Arc Reactor. No.

Tears started streaming down my face at the thought and I started struggling against the chains that held me in place, rubbing my wrists raw.

He placed the reactor in his suit as a noise was heard outside the door that he came through. Obadiah quickly turned off the lights and then made his way over to the suit, the glow of the reactor helping him see.

He entered the suit and looked at me before closing the helmet of the suit. "You say anything, I'll kill you."

With that, he covered the glow of the reactor and the eyes of his helmet and I was left in darkness.

A couple seconds later, I heard the door open and multiple pairs of footsteps make their way into the room. I could see the light of flashlights. I saw the familiar red hair of Pepper and I gasped. I couldn't let this happen to her.

"Pepper run!' My voice strained as I screamed. A light was shined on me almsot immeadiately and Pepper looked to me with wide eyes.

Obadiah rose from the darkness and I could hear Pepper scream. "You're going to regret that."

He approached the nearest agent and slammed the fist of his suit into them, sending them flying across the room. He continued to shoot at and try to kill every person in the room.

In the flickering lights going off, I was able to see Pepper escape the room. Once the room seemed to be clear of people, I saw Obadiah's suit turn to me.

He slowly approached my body and lifted the mask of his suit. I could see a sinister glint in his eyes and I started shaking.

He kept taking steps toward my terrified form until he was right in front of me . "I told you not to say anything."

He grabbed the chains holding me in place and snapped them, one by one. He used one hand to grab my torso and pull my form with him.

He jumped up to the rafters at the top of the room and broke through the ceiling. I squeezed my eyes shut and tears streamed down my face. Once I felt a cold breeze brush past me, I opened my eyes. Pepper was standing right in front of us.

"Where do you think you're going?" Obadiah spoke, his voice sounding much louder and more robot like due to the noise.

I struggled as much as I could to escape his grip but it was no use. "Pepper! Go!" She didn't listen to me and stood frozen in terror.

Pepper started to stumble backward as Obadiah held out one of his hands with a machine gun on it. "Your services are no longer required." The gun started to spin. and I closed my eyes, not wishing to see what was about to happen.


I saw a light in the sky above me. "Give me back my Y/n."

I was thrown to the side by Obadiah as Tony tackled him back through the hole in the ground we came out of. I lied on the cement for a couple more seconds catching my breath.

I stood and quickly made my way over to the front of the building where my car was and got into the driver seat, driving to Tony's house.

Once I got there, I sprinted through the house and made my way over to the Garage. Once there, I stepped onto the platform on the floor and mechanical arms rose from it, pressing pieces of my suit into place and screwing them tight.

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