35 - Harley

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Hey guys! I won't be able to update for the next five or so days because I am going on a camping trip up in the mountains and won't have Wi-Fi. However, I should be able to get chapters out pretty fast when I get back because I will be writing and working on the story using a notebook while I am there. So, once I get home, I can just copy the chapters from the notebook and into a google doc to revise before copying into Wattpad. 

I've been trying to upload a bit more frequently to make up for that time that I'll be gone.

Oh, and if you can do one thing for me... answer the question that I left at the end of last chapter. It's important and, once I know what I'm going to do,  I can start getting the events in the chapters to lead up to later events in the book. 


Tony blinked as he heard the distant voice of Jarvis, "Sir!" An alarm was sounding in the background.

The man slowly opened his eyes and blinked drowsily, "All right, kill the alarm. I got it."

"That's the emergency alert triggered by the power dropping below 5%.

"Oh." Tony still struggled to completely grasp what was going on around him. Suddenly, the alarm got louder and faster, causing the man to finally realize where he was, "OH!" He felt the suit start to drop out of the sky and let out a scream as he drew closer to a car that was driving on the road.

The red and gold suit with the screaming man inside landed in front of the incoming vehicle, cousin it to swerve as the billionaire bounced multiple times and went flying into the trees. He crashed multiple times into the tall trunks before landing in the snow and sliding onto his front.

With a grunt, the man pushed himself over so he was resting on his back and took deep breaths as he pulled the mask off his face. "It's snowing, right? Where are we, upstate?"

"We are five miles outside of Rose Hill, Tennessee." Came the AI's reply.

Tony widened his eyes and looked around in a panic, still not yet fully knowing what was going on, "Why? Jarvis. Not my idea." His brows furrowed, "What are we doing here? This is thousands of miles away! I gotta get Y/n. I gotta..."

The man trailed off as the AI took this time to explain, "I prepared a flight plan." The AI said as if it was the most casual thing in the world. "This was the location."

"Who asked you?" The man seemed to have forgotten telling his artificial friend to create a flight plan to the location only a few hours prior. He lied still for a second, finally coming to terms with what was happening. "Open the suit."

"I- I think I may be malfunctioning, sir." The AI's voice came out as more distant and broken.

"Open it, J."

The mechanical whirring of the suit could be heard before the billionaire shot up with a groan and a gasp. He began shuddering, "That's brisk." He blew into his hands and rubbed them together, picking up a piece of ice and holding it to a burn that sat on his arm.

Leaning back in the suit, he threw the ice to the side, "Maybe I'll just cozy back up for a-"

Jarvis cut Tony off, "I actually think I need to sleep now, sir."

The armor powered down, "Jarvis... Jarvis?" Tony questioned his lost friend. "Don't leave me, buddy."


The billionaire heaved as he dragged the large metal suit through the snow, shivering along the way. He didn't know how long her was out there but it seemed like an eternity before he finally reached a Texaco that rested on the outside of a small town.

His Iron Heart - Tony Stark x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora