7 - We Can Fly

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y/n pov

Tony and I were in the lab. We had been constantly testing the boots and stabilizers for over a week now. It was getting tiring but we were getting close. I could feel it.

I was currently standing off to the side, watching Tony get ready to do another test run.

I saw him take a deep breath. "Configuration 2.0. For lack of a better option, Dummy is still on fire safety."

I saw him smirk. I glared at him playfully. "Hey!"

He let out a loud laugh and I started laughing with him. "You know what? Just for that, Dummy can stay on fire duty and I'll just stand here to the side where it's safer."

He smiled at me. "Not like you could do any better."

"Suit yourself Stark." I giggled. "Won't be my problem when you get fried."

"You won't last a week without me. You know you love me." He gave a cocky smirk.

I smiled back at him as a small blush appeared on my cheeks. "Just start the damn test."

He gave me a look and turned to Dummy. "If you douse me again, and I'm not on fire, I'm donating you to a city collage." He looked down at his feet and then to the stabilizers on his hands. "Alright, nice and easy. Seriously, just gonna start off with 1% thrust capacity. And 3, 2, 1."

He lifted off the ground about two feet. I smiled and cheered. It was finally working! He floated for a few more seconds, trying to stay balanced, before dropping back to the ground.

Once he hit the ground, he looked to Dummy. "Please don't follow me around with it either because I feel like I'm gonna catch on fire spontaneously. Just stand down. If something happens, then come in." Dummy lowered it's head as if it was sad and I lauhged a bit.

"Again, let's bring it up to 2.5%."

Tony lifted off the ground about five feet this time. He started leaning to one side and then started moving that direction. I was laughing at the faces he made already but it got a lot louder when I watched his face as he was ging over his cars.

"Okay, this is where I don't want to be. Not the car. Not the car." He saw my red face and called out to me, "Y/n, help a guy out over here."

I was trying really hard to stiffle my giggles at this point. "Nope, you're on your own, Tones."

"It could be worse. We are fine." He reassured himself as he slowly made his way over one of the tables, papers blowing everywhere. He finally landed and let out a breath of relief. "Okay, we are getting there." I let out a loud laugh and he sent me a mock glare. "Yeah, I can fly." He taunted me and I laughed even harder.


Tony and I were standing on two different pads, machines locking the suits in place on our bodies. We had finally finished the flying tests and now were trying on the suits to make sure they fit properly and worked like they should.

The helmets on our faces closed and the lights flickered to life inside the masks. I looked around as the suit scanned everything around me.

I could hear Tony through the coms in my suit. "Jarvis, are you there?"

The AI's voice came clearly through the suit and I smiled.

Tony ran scans for both the suits, making sure all the system were functioning properly. "Engage head up display."


"Import all preferences from home interface."

"Will do, sir."

"Alright, what do you say?"

"I have indeed been uploaded, sir. We're online and ready."

"Start the virtual walkaround."

"Importing preferences and calibrating virtual environment."

I watched in awe as the screen in front of me worked. I know that I helped create this but it was amazing to see in person.

Tony continued to give commands. "Do a check on control surfaces."

"As you wish..." Some time went by. "Test complete. Preparing to power down and begin diagnostics."

I was preparing to leave the suit when Tony spoke once more. "Ah, yes... tell you what. Do a weather and ATC check. Start listening to the ground control."

"Sir, there are still terabytes of calculations needed before an actual flight."


"Tony..." I stated worriedly. "What are you doing?"

"What?" I saw the head of his suit turn toward me. "You don't have to come."

I sighed. "I'm going. Someone needs to make sure you don't do anything stupid."

I could practically feel the smile radiation off of him. "Sometimes you gotta  run, before you can walk."

He looked to me and I sighed and started the countdown. "Ready? And 3, 2, 1."

He activated his boosters and launched out of the cave with me following close behind. We turned through the garage and soon enough, we were in the open air.

We flew high into the air, side by side. I sighed as I watched the lights from the ground. My suit zoomed in on a child sitting on the Ferris wheel on the coastline. I could see the ice cream fall from his cone as he watched us and I let out a soft chuckle.

Looking to the man flying beside me, I smiled. "It feels like a dream."

Tony laughed at my comment. "All right, let's see what this thing can do. What's the SR-71's record?"

I could hear Jarvis's response through my helmet. "The altitude record for fixed wing flight is 85,000 feet, sir."

"Records are made to be broken. C'mon!" Tony turned and shot into the air, me following.

We both shot into the air as fast as we could. Everything up here was so peaceful. No job to worry about, no problems to deal with. Just me up here, with my best friend.

It was calm for a few more seconds before Jarvis broke through my thoughts. "Sir, Ma'am, there is a potentially fata build-up of ice occurring."

I gasped and immediately stopped flying higher. Looking to my side, expecting to see him there, I became alarmed once I noticed that he wasn't. Looking up, I saw that there was a bright light, getting further and further away from me. Tony.

"Tony!" I called. The panic evident in my voice. "What are you doing!"

He didn't answer me. "Higher!"

I could no longer hear his voice and the light in the sir soon flickered out and disappeared from my vision. "Tony? Tony!" I gasped as I say his suit fall straight by me.

I quickly turned and flew after it, trying to reach my him. Just as I was a few feet from him, I watched as his hand reached to a knob on the side of his leg. He turned it and the ice shattered off him.

He continued falling and I continued to chase him, not quite being able to get close enough to his flailing body to grab him safely. "We were about a hundred feet from the ground when I saw the lights on his suit flicker to life. I sighed in relief as he avoided smashing into the ground below and flew upward toward me.

He stopped and hovered next to me I could hear his laughing from the coms in my helmet. I sighed. He only continued to laugh like a giddy schoolgirl. "Race you there." And he zipped off.

I took a deep breath and turned to go after him.

Once I got back to the mansion, I saw a large hole in the ceiling and sighed. Flying back through the garage, I watched his suit drop his head on the dented metal of one of his cars as Dummy sprayed him with the fire extinguisher. I let out a laugh and walked over to the platform to get the suit off.

Once it was off, I walked over to his suit on the now badly dented and broken car. Knocking on his helmet, I looked at the white layer coating the armor from the fire extinguisher.

His face mask opened and he sighed heavily before looking up at me. "I win."

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