Iron Man 2 - 12 - Toxic

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Y/n pov

I took in a gasp of surprise as I was slammed down on the mat for about the millionth time that day. Catching my breath, a hand popped into my vision and I weakly grabbed it and pulled myself up.

"You're improving a lot."

I scoffed. "Apparently not enough."

"Relax, it's only been six months." Natasha looked at the side of my neck. "Haven't found a solution yet? And besides, your training is almost up. Fury said you can go back home soon."

I sighed. "There is no 'yet' Nat. I've tried everything. Every known element. Every combination. I've only got about two weeks left at this rate. Could be more could be less. There's nothing for me to go back to anymore. I don't even have the suit."

"Maybe you haven't tried everything yet. Do you know if Tony's figured it out?" She disregarded my last comment.

"I've tried everything. Believe me. How would I know If he figured it out. You know we're not on speaking terms."

Nat gave me a look. "You don't want to make sure he's okay before anything too bad happens? Don't you want to see him? Don't you miss him?"

"Of course I do Nat. But it's not my fault he acted like that. I'm not going to just run back to him. It's his fault we're not talking."

She shook her head. "You are so stubborn. Oh and Fury assigned me to be a floater at Stark Industries to watch Tony. He's getting out of control."

I groaned. "I can only imagine."

"I've got to go. Keep looking for solutions, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Now get going. You don't want to be late."

Nat left the room and I sighed, walking over to a punching bag and wrapping my hands.

Beginning to punch, I took out all my frustrations on the bag. Punching harder and harder, I was taken back to the memory of what drove me from my best friend.


I opened my eyes and was briefly blinded by the light of the room around me. Seeing that I was in a hospital room, I sighed in relief and leaned my head back on the pillow.

"That was some show you put on there, Ms. L/n."

I snapped my head up to see a tall man wearing ad eye patch standing in the corner of the room.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the man who's offering you a job."

I gave him a confused look. "The name's Nick Fury, Director of the Strategic, Holmeland, Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division. But we just go by SHIELD."

I sat up in the bed. "I've heard of it. Why are you offering me, of all people, this opportunity?"

"We believe that your knowledge in weapons and Technology will benefit us."

"Why not offer the job to Tony?" I was genuinely curious.

"You need to be able to work with others. Meet new people. And I need to be able to trust you. This job also requires the ability to be able to keep secrets."

"And if I accept?"

"You'd get field training and access to more resources. You could continue to work for this nation, just not in a way where you blow stuff up."

I was seriously considering this. Ever since Tony decided to stop making weapons, I haven't really known what to do with the extra time on my hands. "What's the catch?"

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