19 - Reindeer Games

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Once entering the bridge, Y/n made her way to Fury's side along with Steve. The captain pulled out a ten dollar bill and handed it to the Director and the girl smiled knowing that Fury most likely made a bet of some kind with the soldier.

Fury looks at the Scientist in the corner. "Doctor, thank you for coming."

They shake hands and Bruce nods. "Thanks for asking nicely. So, um, how long am I staying?"

"Once we get our hands on the Tesseract, you're in the wind."

"Well where are you with that?"

Coulson intervenes. "We're sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet. Cell phones, laptops, if it's connected to a satellite, it's eyes and ears for us."

Natasha, who was crouched next to a computer screen with a picture of Clint on in sighed. "It's still not gonna find them in time."

Bruce took in everything that was said. "You have to narrow your field. How many Spectrometers do you have access to?"

Fury gave him a look. "How many are there?"

"Call every lab you know. Tell them to put the Spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for Gamma rays. I'll rough out a tracking algorithm, basic cluster recognition. At least we could rule out a few places. Do you have somewhere for me to work?"

Nick nods and looks to the redhead in the room, "Agent Romanoff, would your  show Dr. Banner to his laboratory, please."

The assassin nodded and started leading the Doctor away. "You're gonna love it, Doc. We got all the toys."


"I mean, if it's not too much trouble."

Phil Coulson stood next to Steve Rogers and Y/n. His attention was currently on the soldier to his left. He had been asking America's golden boy to sign his trading cards.

Steve nodded uncomfortably. "No, no. It's fine."

The Agent continued on, "It's a vintage set. It took me a couple of years to collect them all. Near mint, slight foxing around the edges, but..."

He was cut off by Agent Jasper Sitwell who turned around from his computer screen. "We got a hit. Sixty-seven percent match. Weight, cross match, seventy-nine percent."

Phil turned to the man, forgetting about his previous conversation. "Location?"

"Stuttgart, Germany. 28, Konigstrasse. He's not exactly hiding." There was a picture of Loki on his computer screen.

Nick Fury nodded and turned to the group. "Captain, L/n, you're up."

Steve and the female both nod and turn to leave the room and get ready.


Steve and Y/n both stand, crouched on the platform of the jet. They watch the scene before them silently.

Loki stands in front of a group of people, his head held high and scepter glowing brightly. A horned helmet adorns his head and a sinister smile is present on his face.

"Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel."

As the words resonate to the kneeling crowd, an elder German man stands up and faces the god. "Not to men like you."

The god smiles and chuckles evilly. "There are no men like me."

"There are always men like you."

Loki's smile dropped from his face and his posture straightened. "Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example."

Y/n turns to Steve and he make his way toward her. Looking back at the scene under them, they see that Loki has begun to point his scepter at the man.

Y/n picks up the man by his arms and shoots off into the sky. She drops him in front of the man so Steve can deflect the blast from the scepter.

She lands behind Loki as his body falls to the ground and points the repulsor at his head. 

Steve steps slowly toward the god that lies on the ground as the civilians that were previously cornered started to scatter. "You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing."

Loki, not moving from his spot, chuckles. "The soldier. A man out of time."

Before Y/n can react, Loki sweeps his scepter under Y/n's legs. The girl in the metal suit falls to the ground and Loki jumps to his feet, replacing the girl's spot and pointing his scepter at her.

A quinjet stops in the air above Loki, a machine gun pointed a him. Natasha's voice comes through the speakers, "Loki, drop the weapon and stand down."

Loki moves and aims his scepter at the jet, shooting a ball of energy at the aircraft. Natasha moved the aircraft out of the way while Steve threw his shield at the god. It knocks him off balance and it gives Y/n a chance to get up while the soldier tackles him.

The two men get into a heated fight as Y/n struggles to get a clear shot. Giving up with her suit, she opens the front of it and steps onto the ground.

Loki flips Steve over and presses the bottom of the scepter to the Captain's head. "Kneel."

"Not today!" Steve jumps up and kicks the god in the head.

Y/n takes this chance to charge toward the god. She punches him in the abdomen and goes for a right hook when he slams the butt of his scepter into her stomach.

She doubles over and groans in pain when a loud music is heard over the speakers on the jet.

They both freeze and Y/n looks up with a smile on her face at a red dot in the sky. Loki looks in confusion as the figure gets closer.

The god is launched onto his back by a blast when Tony Stark in the Iron Man suit lands. Tony points the weapons he has in his suit at the god and stands tall and proud as Y/n and the Captain both come up behind him. "Make your move, Reindeer Games."

Loki puts his hands up and surrenders, his armor and robes turning back into a fancy black suit.

Y/n smiles as Tony's mask lifts up. "Good move."

As Natasha comes up to take Loki away, Steve turns to the billionaire, "Mr. Stark.'

"Captain." Tony briefly oops at the Captain then at the woman standing to his side and smiles.

The female smiles and walks toward the man, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "Hi Tony."

Said man nods and then Natasha rejoins the group. She clears her throat, "we should get back on the jet. We need to get him back to base." She refers to the god that is now sitting handcuffed In the back of the jet.

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