25 - Call It, Cap

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Explosions rattled the outside of her suit as Y/n flew alongside Tony toward the portal in the sky. Miniature missiles shoot out from their suits and run into the Chitauri chariots that are flying. Explosions rattle the sky around the pair however it's useless. Thousands more of the chariots fly out of the portal and they both stop their decent toward the portal. 

Y/n looks to her boyfriend, "Split." 

They both fly at full speed toward the city and dodge in-between buildings, the aliens following them, shooting at them with their weapons. Y/n raises her hands as she flies through the city and fires her repulsors at the aliens she's going toward head on. They explode and a piece of debris slams into the outside of her suit, sending her to the ground. 

Letting out a yell, she groans when a chitauri lands on her suit and begins slamming down it's hands, denting the metal. More and more aliens lands on top of her and she yelled out, "Jarvis! Revert power to chest reactor!"

Her reactor glowed brightly and a large blast of power erupted from her chest, sending the aliens off her and onto the ground, unmoving. Groaning as she stood up, she launches back into the air and wavers for a moment before turning to see a large group of chariots racing toward her with Tony at the front. 

She turns and takes off in the opposite direction and Tony flies at her side. As they fly a voice crackles over the coms, "Stark, we're heading north east."

"What, did you stop for drive-through? Swing up Park, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you." They take off and fly past park, hearing the sound of the gun on the jet going off behind them. 

Jarvis is heard from the inside of hers and Tony's masks, "Sir, Ma'am, we have more incoming."

Y/n sighed, "Fine, let's keep them occupied." They headed back to the portal and took out as many of the aliens as they could while on their way. 

As they fought, Y/n watched as the quinjet with Natasha, Steve, and Clint in it went spiraling toward the ground. It roughly landed and she watched as the three exited the back and sighed in relief before turning back to the chariots that continued to pour out of the portal above them. 

A loud roar sounded and a shadow covered Y/n as she flew through the air. Looking up, she spotted a large snake like alien exiting the portal. The female gasped and took off, trying to get to a safe distance so she could look at the large creature and find a soft spot. The large alien flew in-between buildings, single Chitauri soldiers were ejected from the side of it, latching onto buildings and sliding down them until they landed on the ground. 

Unable to find one, she groans and Steve's voice is heard over the coms, "Stark, L/n, are you seeing this?"

Tony answered, "I'm seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?"

The female realized what Tony's plan was as Steve frowned in confusion, "Banner?"

Y/n responded, "Just keep us posted."

"Jarvis, find me a soft spot." Tony said. 

"I already looked, it doesn't have one. Or at least not an accessible one. It's gotta be under all that armor."

Y/n flew through the streets, blasting Chitauri as they came close to her. Flying over Steve, Natasha, and Clint, she watched them all fight the aliens that were on the ground. She yells in surprise as she looks up and sees Loki on a chariot flying straight at her. A blast from his staff hits her suit and she is sent slamming into the ground once again with a groan. 

More explosions follow and the female looks up when a car is sent flying into the air. She watched as a figure jumps from the car and begins sprinting down the street. The red, white, and blue shield tells her that it is Steve and she decides to follow the man. 

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