6 - Thank You

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Y/n pov

Tony and I were in the garage at his house. We had made two new Arc Reactors and I was currently lying on a table with a towel over my chest as he prepared to replace the old one that Yinsen made with the new one.

I tried to steady my breathing as he got ready. This needed to be done fast so that the shrapnel would not get closer to my chest.

I would be put under for this as he did it so there would be no complications. As he walked over with the tray, I gave a shaky smile.


I was examining the new reactor in my chest through my shirt as Tony lied down on the table I had previously been on. He just needed the reactors replaced so this would go a lot faster.

He could do this himself, or so he told me, so I was just there to make sure nothing went wrong.

I sat silently for a few minutes and then, "Shit!"

I snapped my head up and looked at Tony. He had a look of annoyance on his face and I hesitantly approached him. "What did you do?"

"How small are your hands?" I gave him a confused look but held them up anyway. "Perfect, very petite."

"I need you to reach in there. Just a little snag. There's an exposed wire under this device and it is contacting a socket wall and is causing a bit of a short circuit."

He handed me the old reactor that was previously in his chest. I looked to him, "What do you want me to do with this?"

"That's irrelivent. That will go in the trash." I sighed but nodded. This was definately not being trashed. "I just want you to reach in and gently lift the wire out."

I nodded and slowly reached into his chest and grasped the wire gently. I cringed when I felt the plasmic discharge in the tube and Tony chuckled slightly at my face.

Slowly moving the wire up, I held it in the tube and Tony started speaking. "When you pull it out, just make sure that you don't pull out the magnet at the end of it."

I looked to him and gave him a look. "How do you expact me to take the wire out when it's connected to the magnet you don't want out."

He thought for a moment and I gave a small laugh. "That's what I thought."

Without warning, I puled the wire with the magnet out and placed it on the table. He let out a loud gasp and started going into cardiac arrest. He groaned, "Really? You had to do that?"

"Yep." I said matter-of-factly. "Yea, yea. Relax cry baby." Taking the new reactor from his hand, I slowly reached down and connected the wires to the bottom of the cylinder on the base plate. He took in a deep breath. "Was that so bad?" I questioned tauntingly.

He gave a sarcastic laugh. "Yes."


3rd person pov

"The future of air combat. Is it manned or un manned? I tell you, in my experience, , no unmanned areial vehicle will ever trump a pilot's instinct, his insight- that ability to look into a situation beyond the obvious and discern its outcome. Or pilot's judgement-"

"Why not a pilot without a plane?"

Tony and Y/n walked up to Rhodey who was giving a speech to younger pilots, from what it seemed. Tony had cut Rhodey off and he turned around to face us with a smile. "Look who fell outta the sky! Mr. Tony Stark."

Tony smiled slightly. "Speaking about manned or unmanned, you gotta get him to tell you about the time he guessed wrong. It's spring break, just remember that. Spring break 1987, that lovely lady, what was her name? Was it Ivan?"

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