26 - Tony, I Swear to...

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Steve looked around for a second, "Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything, Call out patterns and strays. Stark, L/n, you two got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash."

Clint turned to the metal man, "Wanna give me a lift?"

"Right better clench up, Legolas." Tony grabbed the back of the archer's vest with his metal hand and they lifted into the air. The female smiled and flew off, focusing on destroying as many of the chariots in the air as possible. 

Once the attention was back on the Captain, he continued with his orders, "Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You've got the lightning. Light the bastards up." The god lifted into the air and Steve turned to the redheaded ex-assassin beside him. "You and me, we stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here." Looking at the large green giant beside him, the soldier spoke, "And Hulk," The monster turned to him with a grunt, "Smash." With a smile, he launched into the air and landed on the side of a building, using his large fists to destroy any aliens that came in his path. 


"Stark, you got a lot of strings sticking to your tail." Clint spoke to the two fliers as they dodged between the buildings and blasts of the chituari. 

"Just trying to keep them off the streets." The billionaire replied, grunting as a blast hit the arm of his suit, sending him slightly off balance. 

"Well, they can't bank worth a damn. Find a tight corner."

Tony spoke this time, "I will roger that."

He turned around a building and found himself flying through a narrow hole that bed to an underground parking garage. Speeding his haw through, the alien chariots all slammed into either the ground or parts of the buildings, exploding them and sending the blast an debris out the tunnel after Tony and into the side of a building. 

"Well, what else you got?" The man in the suit questioned. 

"Thor's taking on a squadron down on 6th."

"And he didn't invite me."

T/n flew through the city, a leviathan hot on her tail. 

"Power at 10% capacity." Jarvis spoke to her inside her suit and she groaned, causing her boyfriend to frown in confusion and concern. 

Tony spoke to the girl, "You okay?" 

"Yeah," She let out a heave breath, "I guess this is what I get for nor charging or replacing my suit... I'm at 10%. I'll have to join the others on the ground soon." Looking behind her, she noticed her suit slowing down and the large alien catching up. "Looks like this is gonna go faster than we thought."

"Y/n..." Tony's voice was skeptical, "What are you planning?"

"Ever heard the tale of Jonah?" The female spoke skeptically. 

"I wouldn't consider him a role model." Jarvis warned the girl.

"Y/n, no!" Tony tried to get her to rethink her plan.

The girl stopped in mid air and turned around to face the large alien heading toward her. Small rockets came out from the inside of her suit and pointed outward, ready to be launched. "It's gonna be fine..." She began flying toward the creature, "Is it going to be fine, Jarvis? Whatever... I'll live" The leviathan opened it's mouth with a roar, "Hopefully." She flew inside the open mouth of the alien and launched the missiles from the suit. As they exploded, the chitauri was ripped apart from the inside. With one last explosion, the monster exploded into pieces and the female inside it was sent crashing to the ground. 

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