33 - Bill Me

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Y/n ran for cover as bullets followed her path. Ducking behind a wall, she raised her wrist to her mouth, "Cap! I've been compromised! I'm in the boiler room. I'm out of bullets."

"Copy. Hostages are in extraction now. How many hostiles?" The super soldier responded.

The agent peaked around the wall and took a quick scan before quickly pulling herself back when a gun was pointed her way. "I make four hostiles."

"Stay there. I'm on the way." The Captain spoke and the girl could hear him signaling to the other members of the team in the background.

Once again peaking around the wall, Y/n noticed that the men were growing closer to her position and she was cornered. She groaned, "There's no time, Steve. They're closing in and if I don't make a move now I'll never get the chance to."

"No, Y/n. Wait-" She shut off her comms so she could focus and took a deep breath. Peering around the wall one more time, she saw that the two closest men were standing one a few feet behind the other about ten feet away from her position. A third one was placed off behind the two at the back of the room and the fourth was far off to the left of the group of two.

Sprinting out from behind the wall, she ran toward the first man in the group of two. He didn't have time to react before she used the butt of her gun to hit him on the head and momentarily disable him. She pulled the pistol from his hip holster and spun his body around and used him as cover as the other three men in the room shot rounds into his bulletproof vest.

She raised the stolen firearm and shot the closest man right between the eyes, still struggling to hold the first man up as her shield. The next closest man was the one still at the back of the room so she dropped her human shield and made a mad dash for him. He raised his rifle to shoot so she dropped to the ground and slid on her knees into his legs, allowing her to take him off his feet.

He landed on the ground with a grunt and she held the electroshock widow bites that Natasha gave her to the man's neck, causing him to spasm and drop to the ground.

Shots rang out around her and she let out a cry of pain as a bullet pierced her arm. The agent dropped to the ground and got into a crouched position, trying to think of what to do about the last hostile who was quickly approaching her position.

She was about to jump out from her spot when the sound of something metal sliced through the air and a thump was heard along with the sound of a body dropping to the ground.

She frowned and stood from her spot behind the desk, turning around to make eye contact with Steve. "I had him on the ropes."

He froze for a second before shaking his head and narrowing his eyes at her. "You hadn't even touched him yet."

The agent threw her good hand up in exasperation, "I was about to make my move!"

"Which move?" The super soldier gave the girl a smirk and raised one of his eyebrows, "The one to the morgue?" He turned to start leaving and the girl rushed to catch up with her friend.

"So what if I was?" He gave her a confused look and she continued, tilting her head to the side as if it was obvious. "It's still a move."

He opened his mouth to respond when Natasha's voice crackled to life over their comms, "Hey, uh, guys? Get to the jet. You're gonna want to see this."


The red background made the black rings of the symbol stand out. The screen flickered and static was heard before a video of an explosion in a field could be seen. Men in army combat uniforms running, people throwing grenades, a man from a television commercial. The screen flickered with color and the black symbol on the red background was shown again. The Mandarin slammed his fist down on the side of his chair, effectively smashing a nut. Armed men could be seen walking with trucks driving around them as the camera panned around and pointed at the terrorist himself walking with even more armed men behind him.

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