9 - It's Us

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Sitting on the couch, a blaster on my hand and a screwdriver in the other, I was tightening the screws to make the glove have a better fit. The television played in front of Tony, who sat next to me and was doing the same with one of his gloves, and I.

We were both watching the news. "The fifteen miles hike to the outskirts of Gulmira can only be described as a 'decent into hell'. Into a modern day heart of darkness. Simple farmers and herders from peaceful villages have been driven from their homes displaced from their lands by warlords, emboldened by a newfound power. Villagers have been forced to take shelter in whatever ways that they can find. In the ruins of other villages or here, in the remnants of the old Soviet smelting plant. Recent violence has been attributed to a group of foreign fighters, referred to by the locals as the Ten Rings." The screen shifted to the leader of the group, whom I thought Tony had killed, and my body stiffened.

Tony stood up and set the screw driver down on the table in front of him. He walked to a more open part of the room as the news caster continued talking. "As you can see, these men are heavily armed and on a mission. A mission that can prove fatal to anyone who stands in their way. With no political will or international pressure, there's very little hope for these refugees."

He turned and shot a repulsor beam through the garage and I jumped in surprise."Around me, a woman begging for news on her husband who was kidnapped by insurgents.

Tony turned and shot two of the glass panels that seperated the staircase from the garage. He quickly spun and shot the third one. "Either forced to join by their militia... to anyone who will stop a child's simple question: Where are my mother and father? There's very little hope for these refugees, refugee who can only wonder who, if anyone, will help."

Tony looked at me. "You want to do this?"

I sighed and stood from the couch, "Yeah." I walked over to the panels on the floor. The panels opened and I stepped into the feet of my suit. Machines rose from all around me and placed and tightened the armour on my body. The helmet of the mask closed and the screen in front of me flickered to life.


Tony and I land on the ground in the village where the Ten Rings are killing and kidnapping people. We are immeadiately shot at. The bullets just bounce off out bodies and I smile. Tony and I rais our hands and begin to shoot the men in front of us.

When we turn around, there are men holding guns to women and children's heads, using them as human shields. I slowly drop my hand and nod subtly to Tony. He drops his hand also and before I know it, he shoots a whole bunch on mini bullets out of his suit. The bullets hit all the men in the head and they all drop to the ground ground, dead.

Looking around, I see a man run behind a wall. Walking over, I punch through the wall and grab his shirt, pulling him backwards through the wall. I fling him behind me and he drops to the ground groaning in the middle of the villagers.

I walk over and stand next to Tony and smile. Tony looks to the poeple before flying off, "He's all yours."

We flew for a bit longer before Tony was shot out of the shy. I saw the second bulled headed for me and dodged it as I flew to the ground to where Tony was crawling out of a crater. Once he stood, a tank shot at him and he turned to the side and let it fly past him.

Lifting his hand, a small missile rose from his wrist and he launched it at the tank. Turning and walking toward me, the tank exploded behind him.

I laughed a bit and turned to walk at his side. Turning, we both started firing the weapons in our suits in different directions at the weapons surrounding us.

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