Important NOTE : Series 2 !

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Hello dear Readers,

This story was written with a lot of Emotion and Passion. Obviously all of my stories are but since this one was a Humane side of a Vampire Lan Zhan's insecurities and trepidation,  this has been rather close to my heart. ❤

So I have been having a frail outline about another part which will be like Series 2 and a continuation of this in the current time to peep in with a different perspective on their life after their UNION (the details of the theme I am keeping in wraps right now) 🙃

So I cannot give an exact date of when I will be posting it.  but it will be soon after I POST Chapter 1 of  "The thorn Birds", "Dangerous Game" and "Remember Me this Way". And yes all three are ready, only the editing is left.

P.S. I have a SURPRISE ONE SHOT on Wangxian (Coming soon) as a belated gift for Xio Zhan's birthday, for the fans. 😊

Anyway so this thread is going to have a Series 2 and I hope you all will love it just as much as you liked this ONE.  🙂

Take care...❤

See you soon...

-- Yours Isa

Date : 7.10.22

I AlwaYs havE AnD I AlwayS WiLL --PART-2-TimE & AgaiN" Ongoing.Where stories live. Discover now