" Under Lady Qing's Command " Chapter 4! Updated

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Chapter 4
Under Lady Qing's Command....

Chonging, 1858...

"You called, father?," asked Princess Qing, turning to the king.

"I did indeed," he replied. "This young boy here-I hereby appoint him as your personal attendant.

"But Father," said Princess Qing, sounding peeved, "I told you I don't like having people wait on me. I hate having attendants- I told you so last week. I hate their giggling ways and the stupid jokes they crack. I won't have it, Father!"

"Listen to me." Said the king calmly. "This young boy is widely travelled and well read. He seems to be the kind of companion you would like, as he seems quiet enough. He can teach you about the World outside. In addition, he has been recommended by our Imperial Lady Zen.

" What did you say his name was?" he asked Reina.

"Wuxian," replied Reina, nodding slightly to Wei Ying, who understood that Wuxian was now what he would be known as in this time.

Princess Qing Lu's beautiful features were marred by the irritation in her face. She didn't seem quite so friendly now, thought Wei Ying with a touch of apprehension.

"Your highness, if it pleases you, I would like to spend the rest of the night with my cousin's son," said Reina. "He will, of course, be back in the morning as a permanent companion."

"Very well!" said the king. "You may leave."

As they left the room, Wei Ying saw Lady Qing sweep up the stairs that presumably led to her room.


"Reina, I don't want to stay here," said Wei Ying as soon as they reached Reina's cottage."Lady Qing doesn't want-"

"She will," replied Reina firmly.

"How long will I have to stay here?" asked Wei Ying a bit irritably this time.

"Quite a long time, Wuxian , " replied Reina. "A year probably."

Wei Ying gaped at her. "But -Reina-I can't stay here for such a long time-my family, my friends- they don't even know where I am!" said Wei Ying desperately. "They'll be sick for an entire year- I can't do this to them, I can't stay away from them so long-please Reina!"

Reina took his hand and made him sit.

"Relax, Wuxian," said Reina calmly. "The way the time passes is different in the past and the present. I have arranged it so that it is exactly seven days till the time you return, so that your well-wishers will not be too worried for you. And I have full confidence in you- I am sure you will be able to cope quite well here. It is for your own benefit, and the day you return, I will make sure your memory returns. As far as your family is concerned, we must find a way so that they do not worry so much......Now tell me, in France, did you have any close friends that you could count on?"

Wei Ying hesitated, sensing a plan. "But-" he began.

"Answer the question, Wei, " said Reina firmly.

"Nick-Nicolas ..." said Wei Ying. "He -well- he was the head of the company I modelled for the first time...He was a really good friend."

"Excellent!" said Reina , clapping her hands. "Do you have contact numbers?"

Wei Ying stared. "Yes, but-I mean, how do you know about contact numbers...I mean, I thought cell phones weren't invented yet?"

"Because," replied Reina patiently, "I belong to your world, that is to say, your time. And no, I am not a normal human being. Of course, this is not the face nor the personality I choose to exhibit there.....I am rambling. Here, give me your cell phone, you won't need it anyway, but I will."

Fumbling inside the heavy dress, Wei Ying brought out his I- phone and handed it to Reina, who immediately switched it on and scrolled through the contacts, stopping at Nicolas' name.

"This is the one?" she asked, showing it to Wei Ying.

"Yes- but-" began Wei Ying.

"I'm going to the present- dressed as you," Reina informed him. "Only a few seconds will have passed since you left. I'm calling Nicolas and telling him that you've gone on a vacation and that he should just tell everyone that you are safe and happy, and you need to think things out. I believe I am correct in assuming that you have been under a lot of stress over the past few weeks?"

"I- yeah, that's right," mumbled Wei Ying, a bit lost, trying not to think of the reason behind the stress. Don't go there, Don't think about Lan Zhan, he chanted in his head.

"Good. I'll be back by dawn probably. And remember, whatever happens, you are not to let anyone, anyone at all, see your face- I hope you understand why?"

"I understand." Wei Ying mumbled.

"I knew you would," said Reina. She clicked her fingers, and a startled Wei Ying found himself looking at an exact living, breathing replica of himself, complete in the blue shirt and the white pants he'd worn previously.

"Perfect, isn't it?" said Reina, looking at herself with some satisfaction.

"You-you can change your - " stammered Wei Ying in shock.

"Oh yes!" replied Reina enthusiastically. "I can do many things, and changing my appearance is one of the simpler ones. Now you ," she pointed a long finger at Wei Ying, "I would appreciate it if you get some sleep. There's food in the other room if you want. I want you to be well-rested for tomorrow, so you can cope. See you soon, Wuxian. I must leave- your well-wishers must be told about your "vacation". "

"Wait!" Cried Wei Ying, the question he had been wanting to ask all night bursting out of him. "Do I know you?"

"Reina smiled her mischievous smile. "I don't go by this face in the present , Wuxian," she said. "Perhaps you may know a family member of mine."

With those enigmatic parting words, she vanished in a puff of green smoke.

To be Continued ...........

Word Count : 1,061
Dated 08.10.23


Hope you like the story. If not, please let me know your thoughts.

^^I rather dislike this chapter. I know it was kind of boring. But I wanted to get this over and done with so I could write interesting updates. And yeah, I was terribly tired..*phew*

Please do, leave comments anyway.

Good night. God bless you ❤️
-- Yours Isa

I AlwaYs havE AnD I AlwayS WiLL --PART-2-TimE & AgaiN" Ongoing.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ