" In Search Of Wei Ying....!!" CHAPTER 8 IS UP NOW!

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Chapter 8
In Search Of Wei Ying.....!

Somewhere, sometime :

Reina paced in her room, still wondering at the change of events. Not for the first time, she wondered whether she'd done right by sending Wei Ying to the past.

And if the indications were right, Wei Ying was falling slowly and surely for YanZhang( Lan Zhan) .

It wasn't right!

And what would Wei Ying go through when she revealed the true reason for bringing him to the past....Would Wei Ying forgive her?

Would Haikuan?

She'd known all along it was a hare-brained scheme, but not till now had she felt the full repercussions of it.

Wei Ying was going to get very badly burnt in this fire....

But how foolish Wei Ying was! Falling in love with a vampire was bad enough, then falling in love with his lookalike, in another century, who did Wei Ying think he was kidding?

Okay, so they were technically the same person, but it wasn't like Wei Ying knew that! What was he thinking, falling for ...

Who're you to talk, anyway? Said a snide voice in her mind, making her smile ruefully for a moment.

She'd not made a mess, anyway so far, thought Reina...that was something...Now she needed to help Nicolas with Wei Ying's contract......


Chonging , 2019

"What do you mean, Zu ?" said Madam Yu.

"How can Wei Ying do such a thing? Lan Zhan must be lying, why would he do such a thing? And who is this- Nicolas?"

"One way to find out, isn't there?" said Zu grimly. "I'm calling him."

She scrambled about and located Wei Ying's mobile, finding Nicolas in the contacts.


"Ma chere Zu , 'ow 'ave you been?" said the friendly voice of Nicolas as he received the call.

"Just spiffing, Nicolas, " said Zu urgently, "but a friendly chit-chat isn't why I called you. I need to know where Wei Ying is."

There was a small silence.

"You mean, that he did not tell you?"

"NO!" said Zu in frustration.

"I'm....sorry," said Nick slowly. "We- er- signed a contract. Wei Ying told me not to- well, tell anyone. I am...sorry. 'owever, he is safe, and 'appy. You may count on it, of course."

"I- but Nick, wait!" said Zu, nearly driven to tears. "Please- I'm his sister- please just let me talk to him- "

"Eet ees a sad business indeed," said Nick, sounding regretful. "But Wei Ying was very clear- I must not tell anyone. Wei wants to think things through. You are aware, of course, that he's been under a lot of...."

"He wants to be alone," Zu finally realized.


"K, Nick- thanks a ton for your help," said Zu..

"Au revior, my dear, do take care," said Nicolas.

Zu kept the phone and looked around at her parents, resigned to the job of telling them what was going on.


Penong Palace, 1858 :

"Wuxian, I am sorry!" said the Princess.

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