CHAPTER 15-- "Two Hearts bound by Fate!"

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Chapter 15

Two Hearts- bound by Fate-!

2019, Chonging :

When Lan Zhan strode into the Wang Mansion, he was as usual greeted by the sight of his foster parents lounging by the fireplace.

His father was holding a silver goblet to his lips, while his mother sat reading one of her fashion magazines.. As though sensing his gaze on them, Carmen looked up. "Good evening, Wangji ," she said.

"Any new leads?" his father questioned , still gazing into the fire.

"Yes," Lan Zhan said at once. "Alex Jilang."

His father Nian Fiang looked up, eyebrows raised. "A Jilang family member?"

"Yeah, a werewolf, she didn't even bother to hide it," Lan Zhan added.

"We don't need werewolves, Wangji," Carmen chimed.

"I know that, " Lan Zhan replied shortly. "I think she's been tampering with my mind."

Nian Fiang was angry. Carmen spoke with calm eyes-- "How could she? Werewolves can never touch a vampire's mind. How do you know if she's been tampering?"

"I don't know!" Lan Zhan snapped. "She's not an ordinary werewolf, maybe. I felt her presence in my mind, trying to find something- and then it vanished just like that."

"Are you sure it was her?" said his father.

"There was no one else Dad," Lan Zhan replied with confidence. "Apart from me and Alex. None.

Nian Fiang and Carmen stared at each other.

"Dad," said Lan Zhan tersely, "Do you mind examining my mind? I need to confirm that she's not...tampered with it."

"I'll do it," Carmen intervened , moving forward. Lan Zhan linked his mind with hers, and Carmen tried sifting among his thoughts, trying to check for the presence of a werewolf. For several long minutes, they waited. Finally, Carmen withdrew. "Nothing," she declared. "I couldn't find anything."

Lan Zhan's eyebrows knitted together. Without any more words, he went to his own room. He plugged on his headphones, trying to gain a sense of calmness, and trying to link the missing puzzle pieces. Unfortunately, there were just too many which he had no idea how to fit.

He was in the middle of a Tchaikovsky when he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Carmen standing near him. Resigned, he took off his headphones. "Yes, Mom."

"Would you like to see this?" she said, holding out the magazine-the one she had been reading earlier- to him.

"No, Mom, I don't like them," he said as evenly as possible : Did she not know when he was irritated?

She didn't move. "I know that," she said as coolly as him. "I thought you might be interested in this particular one."

"Mom, please!" Lan Zhan retorted, now a bit annoyed. "Leave me alone, I-" his voice gave out as he saw the model on the cover. Wei Ying-!

Lan Zhan's brain seemed to have jammed. He stared at the cover without a word.

"There's even an interview of him inside," said Carmen sardonically. Something cleared in Lan Zhan's head.

"He's looking awful in that dress," he snapped. "I'm not interested in his interview."

"Stop it , Wangji !" Carmen rebuked , now at the end of her tether. "Stop hiding your feelings for Wei Ying ! Stop pushing him away! Do you even realise what you've done to him? You broke him! Look at what he says here- 'I've sworn never to fall in love, because I don't believe anyone out there could ever give me what I really need.' This- " Carmen's voice rose in fury- "This is what you made him into! A broken man who doesn't believe in love! This is what you did to the naive boy who brought you back from death even though he did not remember you, the boy who risked everything to protect our truth when we were powerless, even though he knew you'd bitten him!

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