Chapter 01 - One Normal Day

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"Ugh!" Rush groaned. "What now, Rush?!" Seek asked. "I'm so bored!" "Oh not this again... You've been saying that for the past 30 minutes!" "What? No I haven't! Right Ambush?" "Uh... I'd have to agree with Seek this time," Ambush replied, Seek smirked. "See? Even your friend agrees with me! Why don't you go do something else other
than complaining?" he said. "Like What?" "Don't ask me! It's not my problem!"

"Those two are at it again!" Screech said. "I know right? Those two drive me crazy!" Timothy replied. They were in the next room, yet they could here the argument loud and clear. "I wish those two could just be quiet for a day!" Screech said. "Why not we just go to the library? We could read books, hang out with Figure... That sort of stuff." Timothy suggested. "Great idea! Let's go now!"

As the argument continued, Ambush tried to stop the two, but kept getting ignored. This is no use. I should just leave to save my energy, the library's a good place. I think I'll go there. Ambush thought.

"I'm done! I'll go to Halt's room! At least I wouldn't have to see your face!" Rush said. "Whatever! Not like I care!" Seek replied. And so, Rush stormed away to Halt's room. He knocked on the door and said, "Hey Halt, it's Rush." "Come in," he heard Halt say. Rush opened the door and saw Halt on an armchair. "So, what brings you here?" he asked Rush. "Trying to get away from that annoying Seek!" Rush replied quickly. "Well, what do you want to do?" Halt asked. "I don't know, go find the others? Maybe?" Rush suggested. "Hm...Okay..."

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