Chapter 02 - The Library

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Screech and Timothy had reached the library doors. He pushed it open to a large hall filled with bookshelves, tables and chairs. "Who's opened the door?" Figure asked, standing on the stairs. "It's me, Screech! I'm with Timothy as well!" Screech said. "Oh, alright. Enjoy your stay then!" Figure replied. Screech and Timothy found a place at sat down on the chairs.

The library was Screech's favourite place in the hotel. He loved going there as he loved reading books. Normally, he would come during sundown, when the sun would shine its golden rays through the tall windows of the library. "You never come here at this timing, so what brings?" Figure asked. "Rush and Seek..." Screech responded.

"I'm gonna check out the non-fiction books. Wanna come?" Screech asked Timothy. "Nah... I'll just chill here," he replied. The library was quite empty today, it was just him, Screech and Figure. Normally there would be one or two others there. He decided to move to the opposite side of the table, to the seat facing towards the windows. It was a overcast day, and the sun barely shone through the blanket of grey clouds.

Meanwhile, Screech was busy browsing through the books, until one caught his attention. It was quite thick and old, the papers were also yellowed. "Hm... This seems like an interesting topic," Screech said to himself, "And the book looks quite old... Eh, I'll give it a try."

The doors of the library swung open again. This time, Ambush came in. "Hi Ambush! Didn't expect you here!" Timothy greeted. "Hey..." Ambush greeted back dully. "What's wrong? You don't really sound like yourself today," Timothy asked. "Nothing... Just that, I really hate seeing my friend arguing all the time..." Ambush replied. "Who, Rush?" "Yup." "What's with Rush and Seek today? I've heard their names like 10 times already today?" Figure asked. "Their just having one of their usual arguments," Screech replied.

Ambush walked towards the stairs and sat down. "What's wrong?" Figure asked. "Nothing, it's just—I just need some alone time..." Ambush responded. "Alright..." Figure said, as he walked away.

Just then, the library doors opened once again, and Rush and Halt walked in. "Sup Halt! Hey Rush..." Screech greeted. Halt greeted him back, and so did Rush, albeit less enthusiastically. "So why've you come here, Rush?" Screech asked. "To find everyone." Rush replied. Rush walked towards the fiction section and looked for some books.

While he was looking for a book, Rush noticed something in his peripheral vision — it was a blue, glowing, floating sphere of light, and had a sparkling sound emanating from it. "What is that..." he murmured to himself. He attempted to touch it, but the moment he blinked, it was gone.

Rush rubbed his eyes. What was that? Ah... It's been a long day... I've probably been seeing things. I should probably go to my room - it's been a long day... He thought. And so, he decided to leave.

"Where are you going?" Halt asked. "Somewhere..." Rush muttered as he opened the library doors and walked out.

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