Spirit's Backstory - Chapter V

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Hi guys
I'm back! :] (I think)
Sorry for the break I was just really unmotivated to write anything, but recently I've gotten back into the mood of writing stuff so yea... enjoy the rest of this mini story lul

Another night had passed when Spirit woke up. She checked the time on the alarm clock on the nightstand — 6:30 a.m.

"Gosh, I've been waking up so early these days..." Spirit mumbled to herself while rubbing her eyes. She had changed the colour of her hair once again the previous night to a less saturated light blue to "attract less attention" (Even though she still pretty much stood out).

Spirit went over to Hide's room and knocked on the door. "Hey, Hide, you awake?" she called.

"5 more minutes..." Hide muttered, barely being able to be heard.

"Ugh, this guy..." Spirit said out loud.

"What...?" Hide questioned.

"Uh... Nothing! Nothing..." Spirit said, running back to her room.

Waiting outside of Spirit's room was Glitch, who looked rather concerned and a bit anxious; he was looking around, constantly checking his watch, occasionally even calling out Spirit's name.

"Glitch? You alright?" Spirit asked, concerned about her friend.

"Ah, Spirit, there you are. Look," Glitch lowered his volume to a whisper. "Shadow specifically told me not to tell anyone this, but I just felt like you and Hide needed to know this."

"...Know what?"

"Two teens around the same age as you two went missing last night." Glitch said.

"They what?!" Spirit exclaimed.

"Shhh... I just wanted to warn you two—be careful, and try to stick together, I'll be in my office if you need me." Glitch said as he walked away.

"Wait!" Spirit called out as Glitch turned back to look at her. "Just out of curiosity, but, what were their names?"

Glitch paused for a while. "Can't remember clearly, I think it was Rush and Ambush? Like I said, I can't remember clearly. But anyway, gotta head back to help Shadow with things 'cause he's worried that the income will drop. See you around!"

"Oh, bye Glitch!"


Hide had woken up a few hours after Spirit's encounter with Glitch. "What should I do today...?" he mused. "Oh, right, Spirit was looking for me or something just now. Wonder why she's up so early..."

Hide went over to Spirit's room and knocked on the door. "Hey, you called me just now? What do you want?" he said. But he got no response; he tried again, "Spirit? You there? You alive even?"

"Yup, still alive, coming!" Spirit finally said.

"Jeez, what took you so long?" Hide questioned with a slight annoyance in his tone.

"Sorry, was a bit distracted by the news..." Spirit replied.

"The news? That's a first," Hide said teasingly.

"Ha, ha... You're so funny," Spirit responded. "Get in here, I gotta show you something," Spirit said, gesturing Hide to come in.

"What do you want to tell me?" Hide asked as he sat on a chair.

"So... basically, Glitch came over this morning to tell me that there've been some disappearances last night and that he wants us to be careful as the victims were around the same age as us. Oh yea, and he also wants us to stick together more cuz like, protection? I guess?"

"I guess we'll just lock ourselves in your room; nobody's gonna kidnap—"

Spirit interrupted Hide and looked at the television, "Quiet for a moment, look at the news." Hide also turned to look at the television.

"...5 people have gone missing at the Hotel, they should really change the name... 2 of them went missing last night, the other 3 this morning." The screen changed to show the pictures of the 5 missing people.

"Damn, whoever this kidnapper is, he's good," Hide said. Spirit looked at him with  a "Are you serious right now?" face. "What? I'm just saying!"

"Whatever, I need a nap, I woke up so early today," Spirit said as she let out a yawn.

"Fine, I'll just head back to my room then," Hide said as he stood up to open the door.


"So it's not just teenagers going missing, but children too?" Spirit wondered as she lay on her bed. For the first time since she left, she thought about her home, her parents. "No, no, stop. They wouldn't understand me. And I don't even need them anymore, I've grown up, and I've also got Hide..." Spirit tried to push her negative thoughts away, but they just wouldn't leave.

"Ugh! These thoughts are so annoying!" Spirit thought as she pulled her blanket over herself. She closed her eyes, trying to get some rest.

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