Chapter 08 - Missing

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"Ugh..." Rush let out a yawn as he turned over his blanket and got out of his bed. "Let's hope today's not another dream..." Rush said as he chuckled to himself slightly. He swung his door open and walked towards the library. On his way, he bumped into Timothy. "Oh hey, Timothy..." Rush greeted. "Hey..." Timothy greeted back, " I heard what happened with you and Ambush." "Oh yeah... I'd rather not talk about it..." Rush said with a hint of sadness. "Alright then." "Something weird has been happening to me recently..." "And what's that?" "I've been having lots of nightmares," Rush said. "Hm... Weird... Well, I'm on my way to Screech's, see you around!" Timothy said as he waved goodbye. "Bye!" Rush said back.

While he was walking towards the library, a thought came into his head. Hm... Halt's room is right around the corner, I should probably go visit him. He turned the corner and saw Halt's room, and he knocked on the door. "Halt? Are you in there?" Rush called out. There was no response. "Halt? Are you there?" he called out again. Still no response. "Halt? I know I kind of burst into your room in the middle of the night, and I'm sorry. Can I come in?" There was still no response. Strange... Halt's not the kind of person to just... ignore people... Rush was extremely confused, but he opened the door anyways. "Halt, why've you been i— Wait... Halt?! Where are you?! Oh no no no... Not another one of these dreams again..." Rush said as he started to panic. He tried to wake himself up from his 'dream', but it was not a dream, he was in reality. "I have to inform the others!" Rush said.

He opened the door and raced towards the nearest person's room. "Screech! Timothy!" Rush shouted as he swung open Screech's door. "Rush! Knock next time!" Screech yelled, startled. "Sorry! But Halt's missing!" "Okay... What?" Timothy said, "Is this a prank?" "Does it look like I'm kidding?" Rush asked. "No..." Screech replied. "Exactly! I'm going to go look for him, you guys coming?" "Fine, but only because we're bored." Screech said.

Rush, Screech and Timothy paced up and down the hallways of the hotel, calling out Halt's name every so often. And this is when Ambush came out of his room. "What is going on? Stop shouting!" Ambush said, agitated. "Halt's missing!" Timothy said. "Fine... I guess I'll help you search for him... Since I know he's your friend," Ambush said. Rush's face lit up with a smile. "Thanks..." he muttered.

After searching the whole hotel, Rush and the others still were not able to find Halt. "Where is he?!" Rush cried, "I hope he's doing okay..." "We should probably stop. We've literally searched the entire hotel and still haven't found him!" Screech suggested. "Yeah... You're probably right..." Rush replied sadly. "It's fine, we'll find him soon!" Timothy said, attempting to cheer Rush up. "Alright then... See you later, I guess..." Rush said as he walked back to his room.

He lay down on his bed and stared at the window. The sky was in a slight orange-red hue, as they had been searching for a few hours now. "Halt..." Rush muttered, "Where are you..." He stared at the ceiling, with tears in his eyes. "My friend..." Suddenly, Rush remembered someone—Spirit. He rushed (lol get it) to his desk and grabbed a blank paper and a pen, and wrote down:


After that, a familiar blue light appeared from within the paper, and soon after, Rush saw Spirit again.

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