Chapter 13 - Questioning

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He wrote down. And once he did, a familiar blue light emitted from within the paper. And after the blinding light had dimmed down, Rush once again saw Spirit. "Hello there, Rush." Spirit greeted. "Oh, hey..." Rush greeted back, "I... Have some questions to ask you..." "Alright then." "Firstly, I went exploring recently, and found this whole new section of the hotel. But there was some stranger, he says he doesn't remember his name. Do you know who he is?" "Can you describe his appearance?" Spirit asked. Rush tried to recall as much as he could about the stranger's appearance. "Um... I think he has like... Uh..." Rush kept hesitating, "Um... I can't remember... Sorry..." "Well, it's fine then. What are the other questions you wanted to ask?" "Do you know where Halt is?" Spirit thought for a second, then looked confused. "Normally... I know everyone's location in this hotel. But, oddly enough, I can't seem to find Halt's location..." "Wh—What?" "However, I do know that he must be in this hotel, you guys aren't able to leave..." "Wait, what?!" "Indeed. Well, it is time I leave. Goodbye, Rush, we'll meet again..." "Um... Bye..." Rush said as he saw Spirit fade away.

He left the room, and went to the Main Hall. When he reached the door to it, he opened it cautiously, making sure no one was around to witness him doing it. The Main Hall was empty. "Phew... No one's here..." He made his way to the glass entrance slowly. And once he had reached it, he opened the door to the outside world. He could hear the splashing of the rain and the occasional, distant sounds of thunder. He took a step out, and then another. "Huh... I could leave..." After all this time, he wondered why he had not done this to begin with. He began walking normally again, but after a few more steps, he bumped into a wall. But there was no wall, it was just the view of the bridge. He placed a hand onto the 'wall', but it did not go through, it also hit some sort of invisible wall. "So Spirit wasn't lying after all... But then, where would Halt be?" But then, it clicked—the only other place Halt could have been in was the weird section of the hotel with the stranger.

The next day, Rush tried to find the same entrance he had used to enter that part of the hotel. And after searching for a while, he found it. The room's light was still turned on, and it still looked dusty and old. He climbed the stairs and opened the door to find the room filled with barrels. However, that liquid that had spilled out from one of the barrels he opened was gone. He opened the door at the other side of the room and started searching. The halls were empty and silent, and Rush started to think that coming there alone might not have been the best idea. But when he was walking towards a junction, he saw the mysterious stranger again, Rush called out to him. The stranger looked surprised. "What're you doing back here?" he asked, slightly puzzled. "Um... I'm looking for someone named Halt." "Halt? I've never heard of a 'Halt' before... Who is he anyways?" Rush let out a sigh, and then said, "He's my friend... And recently, he went missing. I've checked everywhere, but I couldn't find him. This is the only place I haven't checked yet." "Well, no one has ever come here before, except for you..."

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