Chapter 35 - Confrontation

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Rush, Ambush and Halt treaded the halls carefully. They had no idea where Shadow could be, so they made sure to avoid any cameras. Rush opened the door to the storage room, he made sure that there was no one behind in the room. Halt and Ambush followed in as well, with Halt closing the door behind him. The room was messy, there were boxes everywhere with items strewn across the floor. "Why are we here? There's nothing in this room! Just boxes and other trash!" Ambush said. "It's worth exploring! Who knows? Maybe we'll find something that can help us find a new home or something..." Rush replied. He opened a few boxes. "Nothing here... It's just trash and some other things..." "Told you!" "Wait, there's something over there!" Rush exclaimed, walking towards it. He picked it up and inspected it. "Hold on... Isn't this a flamethrower...?" he asked. "It's the one Shadow used!" Halt observed. "Well then what's it doing here?" Ambush asked. "Maybe he put it back after he burned the hotel down..." Rush said as he put the flamethrower down. "Well, there's nothing much else here... We should probably get going," Halt suggested. Ambush agreed, and so, they left the room. Rush noticed a wooden bat lying against the wall beside the door. "Hey, this might help to defend us if we get in trouble," he said, picking it up. "Well, I guess..." Ambush replied.

The three continued walking down the hallway, there were doors every few metres, but most of them led to empty rooms. But on one door, it had a sign that read: 'DO NOT ENTER' "I'm going in!" "Wait! Be careful! There might be someone in there..." Ambush cautioned. Rush slowly opened the door, it opened with a loud creak. Inside was a surveillance room with a desk below the screens. Halt went over to check the desk, it was mostly just papers and stationery. The same was true for the drawers, although one was left opened. "What is this...? A blueprint?" Halt asked, picking a blueprint from the desk. The blueprint had no title, just a drawing of a machine and its parts. "What was Shadow planning?" They looked at the screens, one of them was showed the outside of the glass door at the Main Hall. "Wait a second... Look, there isn't a bridge outside... Does this mean...?" "I think so!" "Does this mean that we somehow travelled back in time...?" Ambush asked. "No... That's impossible..." Halt said. "Then where did the bridge go? That's the view before we were sent to that weird forest!" "But that means... We might have a chance to stop all of this before it even starts," Rush said. "We just need to find Shadow!"

The three ran out of the room and started looking for Shadow. Until, they stumbled across a door with sounds coming from within it. "Guys! I think I here something..." Ambush whispered. He pressed himself against the door to hear the conversation better. "And it sounds like Shadow!" he continued. "What do we do? Should we wait outside?" Halt asked. "I'm going in," Rush declared. "What?! No! It's too dangerous! There might be other people inside!" Ambush declared. "He made all of us suffer! Now it's time for him to pay!" Rush said as he swung the door open. "Shadow! Whatever you're trying to do, it's not gonna work!" he shouted. They were inside the room with the machine on the blueprint. Beside Shadow was his servant, who looked like he was about to faint with terror. Shadow put up his hands and laughed. "What is this? Some sort of botched attempt at an ambush?" "Be quiet! Now you're gonna get down, before something bad happens!" "Oh... I'm so scared! Oh, oh, I'm trembling with fear!" Shadow said mockingly. "It's already too late, the machine is finished! There's nothing you can do about it!" Shadow put his hand onto the lever, getting ready to pull it. "Don't you dare!" Shadow laughed maniacally as he pulled the lever down. A bright white light filled the room, blinding Rush, Ambush and Halt temporarily. After the light had dimmed down. Shadow and his servant were gone. Rush looked at the hallway, they were already far ahead. Rush chased after them, and so did Ambush and Halt. Shadow and his servant ran up the stairs and into the main part of the hotel. Once they had reached the top, Shadow looked outside a window. And to his horror, they were in a forest. "What?! No! This isn't the city! You're in big, big trouble!" he shouted at his servant. And soon, their only exit was blocked off. "No where to run now, huh?" Ambush said.

And with no where else to go, Shadow shouted, "You may have won this time! But this isn't the end! I will be back!" He broke a window and climbed out of it, his servant followed soon after. Rush wanted to run after them, but Halt grabbed his arm. "Don't waste your time," he said. "But there're gonna get away!" "It's fine, let them! At least they will be gone for a long, long time..." he said. Rush heaved a sigh, and said, "I guess you're right... But what now? We're stuck in this cold forest!" "I guess we'll just have to get used to it..." Ambush said. "But first! Let's go find the others!"

They walked into the Main Hall, and saw everybody there. "You guys! You're here!" Rush said. "Where have you been?" he continued. "We were in some void thing... And... Nevermind, it super complicated..." Screech said. "I'm sorry everyone for touching that thing..." Rush apologised. "No worries! At least we're all here together again!" Spirit said. "I guess you're right!" Rush said, smiling slightly.

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