Chapter 15 - Mysterious Note

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As he was walking down a hallway, Rush noticed something up ahead—it looked like some kind of paper. Rush, intrigued by it, walked towards the paper and picked it up. He turned the paper to its other side and saw a letter with a seal with the letter 'S' stamped onto it. "Interesting..." He decided to bring the letter back to his room.On his way back, he accidentally bumped into Ambush. "Ow..." Ambush cried. Sorry Ambush," Rush said, still looking at the letter. "Uh... What's that?" Ambush asked, pointing at it. "Uh... Nothing! Nothing!" Rush quickly replied, hiding the letter. "Alright..." Ambush said, feeling a bit suspicious. Rush quickly left the scene.

Rush opened the door and quickly shut it behind him. He sat down and turn on the lamp on his desk. He opened the letter, and pulled out the note inside of it. The note was written on paper that had yellowed, and he started to read it. Rush could not read the addressee's name, as it had been smudged beyond readability. But other than that, he continued reading it, the rest of the note read:

Today was a success! Hotel's never had this many customers before. This new marketing scheme of yours was a great idea! What do you say? Should we go get some food? As a celebration? If so, meet me on the 18th at 5pm. Hope to see you!

- Glitch

"What the? Who's this 'Glitch'?" Rush looked at the note again, he had not misread it. He also found it weird that there was no location of the 'meetup'. Maybe I should ask my new friend... He could know who this Glitch is... Rush left his room along with the letter to meet his newest friend. He also remembered to take the piece of paper with the directions he had been given.

Once he had reached the room with the barrels, he followed the directions to get to his friend's room. Once he was there, he knocked on the door. "Hey! Back so soon?" "Yup..." "I just realised—I still don't know your name..." "Oh yeah... Totally forgot about it—it's Rush." "Cool! So, why're you back again?" "I found this letter, someone called Glitch wrote it..." The person took it and inspected it. At first he scanned it, then did a double take. He squinted his eyes and looked at it more intently. "Hold on... This... This looks a lot like my handwriting..." "What? You wrote this?" "But... I don't remember writing this..." "So then... Does this is mean your name's Glitch?" "Um... I guess so...? Like I said, I don't remember writing this." "But... It's your handwriting, right?" "Yeah..." "Well... At least now we know your name!" "Well... I guess it is nice finally knowing my name..." "So... What else can you remember from this note?" "I don't know... I can't remember anything before I woke up in this weird maze of hallways..." But then a random thought sprung up inside Rush's head. "Um... Here's a random question Glitch—Do you, by any chance, know someone called 'Spirit'?" "Uh... I don't... But for some reason, the name is vaguely familiar to me..." "Seems like there's a lot to your past..." "Well... Unless we somehow manage to get my memory back, there's no way we're going to know..." "Your right... But don't worry—I'll be on the lookout for more clues!" "Guess I'll do the same here too..." "Well then, I guess I'll be heading back?" "Alright then, I'm quite tired now, it's been a crazy day today... Goodbye!" "See you soon!" Rush said as he walked back to his room.

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