Spirit's Backstory - Chapter VI

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(Sorry if these chapters are a bit bland)

It was the evening. The sun had just set as Spirit woke up from her hours-long nap. "7:35 p.m.?! How long did I sleep for...?" Spirit said after glancing at the clock. She let out a yawn and she sat up on her bed and looked around.

But in front of her door was a small note. "What's this...?" Spirit said out loud as she opened it up.

Inside was a hand-written letter, and Spirit recognised that handwriting-none other than Glitch's. Spirit could tell that the note was written hastily. The letter read,

Dear Spirit,

I don't have much time. Things are getting really stressful up here. But 3 more people've gone missing. Shadow looks really concerned. But for some reason, my gut's telling me that he's being a little suspicious... It's too dangerous to talk openly, so I'm writing this letter to you instead. You and Hide should probably stay in your rooms for the time being. Take care.

- Glitch.

"I need to show this to Hide..." Spirit thought. She quickly opened the door and rushed over to Hide's room. "Hide! Hide you in there?" Spirit called out, sounding a bit panicked.

Hide opened the door. "Woah, calm down Spirit! What's happening now?" Hide asked, concerned.

"This is what's happening now," Spirit said as she handed the letter to Hide. She quickly made her way into the room and closed the door behind her.

Hide read the letter carefully. "Hey, do you think I should stay here until Glitch and Shadow get this sorted out?" Spirit asked, interrumpting Hide.

"Uhh... Sure? I guess? But there's only one bed..."

"There's a sofa here," Spirit suggested.

"Eh, I'm fine with that, as long as you don't wake me up at 6 again!" Hide joked.

"Ha, I won't, promise!"

(This is a short chapter, sorry. But I promise the next one's gonna be really cool! This one's just to bridge the 5th and 7th chapters.)

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