Spirit's Backstory - Chapter IX

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The next few months would be the same. Nothing would change, Spirit would lay on her bed for the majority of the day, only coming out to look for leftover food in the dining rooms and eventually, the storage rooms. The hotel was completely empty, everyone had evacuated when the fire alarm had been activated, and no one ever returned.

After a while, Spirit decided that she'd pack all her things and move. Her room had too many memories to remind her of Hide. She started clearing out all her cupboards, placing everything related to Hide in a bag. Whilst clearing, Spirit stumbled across a small letter, she opened it and read it.

Dear Spirit,

Happy birthday! Can't believe we've been friends for 6 years straight now! I'm so glad that I'm friends with you. You're the best! :D You're like my Guiding Light. Actually, that has a nice ring to it, maybe that could be your nickname! Or maybe I'm just getting ahead of myself... Anyways, hopefully everything back home is going well, looking forward to seeing you at the Hotel again!

Your BFF, Hide

Spirit could feel tears coming out of her eyes again. "Guiding Light... That does sound quite nice..." she said out loud. She packed the letter into the bag, sniffling loudly.

Suddenly, Spirit had a thought come up in her head. "What if... What if I just try to find Hide's location. It is risky, but... I just have to know that he's safe, or else... " Spirit cut off her thoughts, she couldn't possibly stand the thought of her best friend being hurt. She placed the bag at a corner and turned into her light form and travelled towards Shadow's lair.


"Okay, gotta be extra careful around here..." Spirit reminded herself. She was still in her light form, but now in one of the hallways of Shadow's lair. It was very dimly lit, quite like a utility tunnel. On her way down here, she had even spotted an elevator which brought her straight up to the Hotel corridors. Spirit, still in her light form, spotted a door along the corridor. Behind it was a room filled with broken machines, so much so that it was almost impossible to walk through the room. At the end of the room was a barely functioning lightbulb, along with a small box. The box had been sealed with tape which had the words 'Final Memories' written on it.

"Interesting..." Spirit thought to herself. She turned back into her human form. She tore off the tape and opened the box. Inside was a black VHS tape. Immediately, the memory of seeing the box of Glitch's memories stored within VHS tapes reappeared, but Spirit ignored it. She scoured the room for a functioning VCR, and eventually, she found one. She put the tape in and sat on a pile of broken machines. "They're already broken, so I guess it doesn't matter if they get more broken..." Spirit thought.

There was a lot of static. But then, Spirit heard a voice that was all too familiar to her. None other than Glitch's

"Please! You don't have to do this!"

Another voice came in, this time it sounded like Shadow's.

"Haha... You've betrayed me, you know too much. I have to prevent this from spreading..."

There was a lot of static after that, but then Spirit heard one final line:

"Finally, no more witnesses..."

"No... This can't be... Is this... Is this what Shadow did to Glitch...?" Spirit wondered. But her musing would soon be interrupted by a voice. To put it more accurately, two voices.

"You have no other choice, it's either you join me, or the knife. I'll let you choose."

Spirit instantly knew whose voice it was -Shadow.

But the second voice would concern Spirit more.

"I'd never work for you! You're deranged!"

"...Hide?" Spirit said. She immediately turned into her light form and tried to find the two of them.

Suddenly, Spirit heard a deafening shout which definitely came from Hide. She quickly located Hide and Shadow. They were in another small room, and Hide was strapped to a chair with some thick ropes. On his right arm was a deep, fresh cut. And Shadow was smiling at him, with a knife in his hands.

"So, I ask you again. Join me or another cut? It'll be deeper and more painful, I warn you," Shadow asked Hide.

"Please, just let me go! I want to see her again!"

"Oh, you're never going to see Spirit ever again. You'll be stuck down here if choose either choice."

Just then, Spirit tried to attack Shadow from behind, but she couldn't. He had some sort of protection bubble around him. And Spirit couldn't cast any spells while in her light form. She definitely could't turn back into her human form right now, so she had no choice but to watch.

"F-Fine! I'll join you..."

"No! Hide don't!" Spirit said in her mind.

"You've made a good choice," Shadow said, releasing Hide from his restraints. "Follow me," I'll show you around."

When Shadow and Hide left the room, Spirit immediately entered it and turned into her human form. On the floor beside the door was a piece of yellowish paper. Spirit picked it up and opened it. It was a map of the Hotel.

But Spirit had no time to stay around. She had to go back up. "Goodbye, Hide," she said. She turned back into her light form and flew back up to the Hotel.


Back at the Hotel, Spirit looked at the map again. But this time, a small dot with the label 'Hide' appeared. It moved around within Shadow's lair. "What? Is this map magical?" Spirit asked herself. "How did Shadow do this?"

But as she said Shadow's name, the dot disappeared and a new dot with the label 'Shadow' appeared.

"Hold on... Spirit?" Spirit called out. And just like that. The dot disappeared and another dot named 'Spirit' appeared. The dot was exactly were Spirit currently was. "I guess this map shows where people are just by saying their names? I guess that's pretty cool... But wait, could'nt have Shadow used this to track me?"

Spirit's room wasn't safe anymore, she had to move somewhere else. She packed everything she had into a box and left it in her old room. But before she moved, there was one thing she had to do.

She took the bag filled with the things with Hide and took them to an empty room. She found a matchbox in another room. She went back to the empty room, struck a match, and set the bag on fire. "I'm sorry, Hide... One day I'll come back for you..." She shed a few tears before leaving the room.

Spirit had no where to go. She would never leave the Hotel; she'd never abandon Hide. But she didn't want to stay in a room, it'd just bring up to many memories. Eventually, she settled on a small corner of the Hotel, just enough space for her to lie down and sleep.

This was her life now.

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