Chapter 03 - A Day's End

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Night had fallen, and the hotel became silent. The only room still lit up was the Main Hall. The door opened and Ambush and Halt walked in. "Where's everyone gone?" Ambush asked. It was only him, Halt and Seek. "In their rooms, obviously," Seek replied. He was sitting on an armchair, drinking coffee (Yes, Seek is drinking coffee) from a mug, while reading a book.

Soon, someone walked in, it was Rush. "Hey everyone!" he greeted happily. Seek heaved a sigh. "Oh, hi, Rush!" Ambush said. "Hello Rush," Halt greeted back.

Rush's eyes turned towards Seek. "Oh, Seek... You're still here..." he said flatly, "Why are you even drinking coffee at this hour? It's so late!" "I do whatever I want! It's none of your business!" Seek replied exasperatedly. "Oh alright annoying Seek!" Rush said mockingly. "Ugh! Why are you always so annoying?" "I don't know! Maybe try asking that to yourself first!" That was the last straw, Seek put his coffee and the book down, walked towards Rush and punched him. "Ow! What's wrong with you?!" Rush cried. Seek did not say anything, he just walked back to the armchair and continued reading. "You're unbelievable!" Rush shouted, then, he stormed off.

"You didn't have to do that!" Ambush shouted. "Shut up, Ambush!" Seek retorted back. "Bu—" "Just let him be, you don't want to end up like Rush," Halt said gently.

Ambush gazed at Halt, then at Seek. He sighed, then stood up. "Where're you going?" Halt asked. "Going to check on Rush..." Ambush murmured.

Walking down the hallways, Ambush felt uneasy. It was like someone was watching him. He could hear his footsteps along with the rhythmic beating of his heart. He kept walking until he reached a familiar wooden door. He knocked it.

No response.

He knocked it again.

No response.

"Rush? Are you there? Its me, Ambush," he called out.

Still no response.

He decided to enter anyways.

Ambush saw Rush on his bed, with a blanket covering his entire body. Ambush tapped him. "What do you want..." Rush finally said. "I just wanted to check on you," Ambush said in a soft tone. "I'm fine, now go away. I want to be left alone..." "But I—" "Just go!" "Alright..."

Rush heard the door open, then close.

For the whole night, Rush tossed and turned in his bed. The pain from the punch had mostly subsided, only stinging every once in the while.

Then, he heard it.

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