Chapter 30 - The Machine

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The doors swung open as Shadow slowly walked in. "Well, are you almost done?" he asked his servant, who was fixing up a machine. "S—Sir! Y—Yes! It's almost d—done!" his servant replied. "Good! You better be done when I get back!" Shadow said as he walked out of the room. Around 10 minutes later, he re-entered the room. "You're back! I—It's finally done!" his servant said, sounding a bit excited. "Finally, took you long enough. Now, this idea of yours better work, or else," Shadow responded. He went over to the machine, there was a lever on it, alongside with many buttons. "You'll just need to p—pull the lever." "Yeah, yeah, I know," Shadow responded, slightly annoyed while pulling down the lever. As soon as he let go, a bright white light filled the entire hotel.

Around 20 minutes before, back in the hotel corridors, Rush was strolling towards Ambush's room when he ran into Spirit. It had been around 6 hours since everyone escaped the cells. "Oh, hey Spirit! I've never seen you along the hallways before..." Rush greeted. "Well... I was getting kind of bored of just floating around in my light form, so I decided to roam around in my human form." "Alright then... I'm headed towards Ambush's room, wanna come?" "Okay then, I don't have much to do anyways..."

Rush continued on his way to Ambush's room, with Spirit following him from behind. A few minutes later, they had arrived at the room. Rush knocked on the door and called out, "Hey Ambush! It's Rush! Could you open the door please?" "Coming!" Ambush shouted from inside. The door soon opened and Ambush greeted, "Hi!" "Hello!" Rush greeted back. "Hi Ambush!" Spirit also greeted. "Oh, Spirit's here?" Ambush asked. "Yup... I met her along the hallways." "Come in! I was getting bored anyways..."

"So, how's normal life going so far?" Ambush asked. "To be honest, I kinda missed the action going on during the past few days. But it's nice that I don't have to worry about Halt going missing!" Ambush laughed. But then, the room suddenly became flooded with light. "What's that light?!" But as quickly as the light appeared, all of it disappeared. "What, just, happened?" Ambush asked. "So strange..." Spirit muttered. "Guys? Why do I feel cold all of a sudden...?" "I mean, it does feel a bit chilly..." "Why not we go to the Main Hall? That place has a fireplace..." Spirit suggested. "Great idea!" Ambush said. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Rush said.

Back down in the room with the machine, Shadow said, "Well, let's go check the cameras. We have to make sure those scumbags haven't done anything suspicious yet." Shadow walked out of the room and into the surveillance room with his servant following close behind. He pushed open the door to the surveillance room. And he saw that all the cells were empty. He looked at the drawer with the keys, it was left open, and all the keys were missing. "No... Impossible... How did they escape?! No! Those fools! Argh!" He slammed the table and checked the last camera, which was a view of the outside of the hotel. "Wait, this isn't the city... I thought you said this machine would bring us to it? We're in the middle of a forest!" "I—I must have i—inserted the wrong one..." his servant said, quivering. "Oh, you're in big trouble for this!" He grabbed his arm and pulled him towards a cell. He closed the door to the cell and shouted, "That'll teach you a lesson to be more careful next time!" He walked towards another room and opened the door. He took out a flamethrower and said to himself, "This will teach those fools a lesson..."

Rush swung the door to the Main Hall open. "Finally! It's freezing in here!" Spirit looked out of the glass doors, but instead of the normal view, she saw a forest with tall cedar trees. There was a small, narrow wooden rope bridge over a ravine. There was also a thick fog throughout the forest, and the sun was barely visible. " Rush? Ambush? You might want to look outside..." Rush and Ambush looked outside, and Ambush then said, "Where are we? We definitely did not have a bridge outside the hotel before..." And at that moment Halt appeared through the door. "Can one of you explain why I'm freezing out here?!" "Well, this hotel has somehow shifted place and now we're in some sort of cold forest!" "I think we should tell the others..." "Should we? Something bad happens every time we try and do that!" "I mean, what's the worst that can happen? We just get stuck inside a cell again?" Ambush sighed. "Fine, let's go tell the others. You coming Halt and Spirit?" "Why not," Halt said. "Alright," Spirit replied.

They first headed to Screech's room, they knocked on the door and explained everything to him. "Wait wait wait... Let me get this straight—you guys were just doing your own things, and then magically, we're just in a forest with freezing temperatures?" "Yup." "You know, if I had to guess, I bet that person who trapped us had something to do with it," Screech said. "Well you'd be right!" a voice from behind said. "Shadow?" Ambush asked. Everyone turned around to see Shadow standing at the other side of the hallway with the flamethrower. "No where to run now, huh?" he said, smiling. "Now, if you want to live to see another day, you're going to follow me, or else," he threatened. "Hah! Like we'd ever do that!" Screech exclaimed. "Alright, seems like you all want to be uncooperative. Well then, that's fine with me! My only words to you are: Good luck, you'll need it." Shadow, using the flamethrower, started setting the hallway on fire. He ran off, chuckling to himself. "We have to get the others and leave now!" Spirit said. But there was no where else to go.

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