Chapter 34 - Somewhere Unexpected

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"Ugh, how long have we been walking for?!" Rush complained. "I don't know. And please, stop complaining. Do you want to find Halt or not?" Ambush asked. "I guess..." Rush replied. They continued walking, but there was nothing to be seen. Rush was starting to lose hope, until, Ambush saw a person in the distance. "Look! There's someone over there," he said, pointing towards the person. They hastened their steps, but did not run as they did not want the person to be startled and run away. As they got closer, Ambush called out, "Hey? Is someone there?" The person turned to look at Rush and Ambush, and then said, "Ambush? Is that you?" Rush recognised that voice almost immediately. "Halt?! You're here too?" he said excitedly. "Rush! Ambush! You're here too?" "Well... Yes... And it was kinda my fault, sorry..." Rush apologised. Halt let out a sigh and said, "Rush, please don't ever do that again... Now we're all stuck here," Halt said. "Where are the others?" "I don't know... Where even are we?" "I don't know, seems like it's some kind of black void..." "Well, how are we even gonna get out?" "I don't know... Hopefully we can find the others..."

It felt like hours had passed by, Rush, Ambush and Halt had been walking around, trying to look for the others. "Guys...? Maybe the others aren't here..." Rush suggested. "But where could they be then?" Ambush asked. "I don't know, I'm tired of walking around! My legs are sore!" Rush complained. "Fine... I guess we'll rest for a while. We've been searching for ages anyways," Ambush said. The three sat down as Halt looked around. Nothing, just the emptiness of the black void surrounding them. Only having one another to keep them company. Rush felt guilt hit him, and he apologised once more, "Once again, I'm really, really sorry about the void thing I—" "You've apologised twice already, there's no need to say it again," Ambush interrupted. Rush smiled slightly knowing Ambush had already forgiven him.

The next few minutes were akward silence, everyone looked at one another. Wanting to break the silence, Rush asked, So Ambush, remember the time you got us out of that cell by lockpicking?" "Yes...?" "Can... Can you teach me how to do it?" "I'll try my best after we get out of this place!" Ambush replied as he winked, Rush grinned. Halt looked to his side, he could barely make out a faint white line in the distance. "Guys, what is that line over there?" he asked, pointing towards the line, which became two, and then three. "It's growing or something like that," Ambush said. "Should we go close?" Rush asked. "No... I don't think so... I mean, after what happened today, I'm not trusting random things we just see..." Ambush said.

But then, the lines formed an image of a hallway. And that hallway started moving closer to them. "Uh... Why's it coming closer...?" Ambush asked. But Halt recognised the hallway. "It... It kinda looks like that one hallway it Shadow's lair..." "Oh yeah... You're right..." Soon, the gravity around the three shifted and became less stronger. "I... I think we're floating..." Halt said. "Yeah! It's like everything is in slow-motion," Rush added, waving his hand, which was moving slowly. Soon, the walls of the hallway became coloured grey, just like the walls in Shadow's lair. Soon, the three were inside the hallway. Ambush looked back, but he did not see the black void, he only saw the end of the hallway. "What... What just happened...?" Rush asked, extremely confused. "I don't know... I think something's wrong here... We have to be careful!" Halt advised. "Yeah... Shadow might be around anywhere..." Ambush added on. They made their way along the hallway, making sure not to be spotted.

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