Chapter 04 - A Secret to be Kept

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It was the sphere of light again, the same one Rush saw in the library. Ugh... Am I seeing things again? He rubbed his eyes and stared at it. This time, though, it did not disappear.

Suddenly, light flooded the whole room, temporarily blinding Rush. And when the light had dimmed back down, he no longer saw the sphere of light anymore. Instead, he saw a person, who was dressed in clothes of the same light blue colour. "What in the world..." Rush muttered to himself.

"Hello there, Rush," the person said. "Who are you?" "My name is Spirit, but some also call me Guiding Light." "Some? Who are these 'some'?" Rush asked confusedly. "You wouldn't need to know that," Spirit replied, "I don't have much time, someone is watching..." "And who's that?" "I... Don't know..."

"But then—" "Oh no... I need to go, for it is not safe to tell you right now, we'll meet again, sometime..." "Okay...?" "In the meantime, should you need me, all you have to do is write my name down on a blank piece of paper." Spirit said as she faded away. What. Just. Happened?? Rush thought. This can't be real... Can it? Rush got out of his bed, and opened the window. "Raining," he mumbled.

Rush went back to his bed, with the window still open, yet, he still couldn't sleep. It was not that he wasn't tired. Rather, he could not stop thinking about his strange encounter. Who is this 'Spirit'? Why was she trying to tell me? He picked up the clock on the nightstand. Great, only1a.m., I can't sleep! What am I going to do for 7 hours?! Worry about things that are probably not going to happen?! He placed down the clock back onto the nightstand angrily, and shut his eyes, trying to force himself to sleep. He was fighting the thought of barging into Ambush's room and telling him about Spirit, Rush knew he wouldn't like that. Eventually, after a few hours or so, he managed to fall asleep.

The morning sun rays shone through the window, flooding the room with a bright yellow light. "Ugh... It's day already? Feels like I didn't even sleep!" Rush grumbled. That was somewhat true, as he had only slept for an hour. He was too tired to move at all, let alone get out of bed. Suddenly, he heard some noise—someone was knocking on his door. "Hey Rush! It's Ambush, can I come in?" Rush heard Ambush say from the other side. "Yeah, sure..."

"Hi Rush! I was coming to che— Oh my... Why do you look like you've hadn't slept in like 5 days? No" "It's nothing... I've just been... tired," Rush replied in a monotonous tone. "Oh... Then in that case, you should probably get some rest," Ambush advised, "I'll come see you later. Bye!" "Bye..." Rush trailed off as he fell back into a deep sleep.

As Ambush walked out of Rush's room, he saw Halt. "Hey Ambush! Why'd you go into Rush's room?" he asked. "Oh, I was just checking on him. He's quite... tired right now..." Ambush replied.

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