Chapter 22 - Mystery Tape

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"So... Did you see who took you?" Rush asked Halt. "I don't know, I was in bed. Next day, I woke up and found myself in there." "But how did you not wake up while they moved you to that room?" Ambush asked, confused. "That's the thing." They walked around, and then, Ambush saw something on the floor. "Hey look! On the floor! It's a box," Ambush said, pointing towards the box. Rush ran towards it, picking it up and inspecting it. That's weird, why would someone just leave a box lying around for no reason? Hopefully there isn't a bomb or something inside it. Rush thought. He looked around it, there was no markings or anything, just a plain, old, carboard box. He opened the box carefully, and inside was a black VHS tape. Rush picked it up and inspected it. "What is this?" Rush asked. "Uh... Looks like a VHS..." Ambush said. "How do you know that?" Halt asked. "It's literally on the side of the tape!" Ambush pointed out. "Oh... Guess I didn't see that!" Halt said, chuckling at himself. "Well, what do we do with it?" Rush asked. "If I had to guess, you'd probably have to put it in some machine..." Halt answered. "I guess I'll just hold on to it for now..." Rush said.

Rush, Ambush and Halt walked around, looking for a place to put the tape. And then, Halt spotted a door and said, "There's a room there, maybe we should check it out?" Ambush agreed, and so Rush walked towards the door and opened it. Inside the room were many broken machines, some of which had a space just big enough for the VHS to be put in. "Well, I guess you're right. You do have to put this thing into a machine. But all of them are broken!" Rush said, frustrated. Ambush satrted looking for one that was not broken. And after a few tries, he found one. "Guys, this one's not broken! And it's paired with uh... What is that box thingy with a black side?" He said, pointing towards a box television. "I don't know... Let's just put this in here and see what happens!"

The tape slid in as the television turned on. The screen read, [FOOTAGE UNAVAILABLE]. "Well... I guess you have to press 'play'?" Rush asked. "Okay, then," Ambush said, pressing play. There was a lot of static, and they could only make out some words.


Please! You don't have to do this!


Haha... You betrayed me, you know too much. I have to prevent this from spreading.

The rest of the audio was just static. "Hold on, one of the voices, it sounded like that person who kidnapped us!" Halt said. "Wait, and the other voice somewhat sounds like Glitch's..." Rush added on. "Are they related somehow?" Ambush asked. Suddenly, they heard a voice again.

Finally, no more witnesses...


Suddenly, a voice from behind said, "Aha! Nowhere to run now!" Rush, Ambush and Halt turned around and saw a person standing in the doorway. "We're done, aren't we?" Ambush muttered to Rush. "Surrender yourselves, and maybe I'll have mercy on you," the person said. "Over my dead body!" Halt shouted as he shoved the person to the side, "Quick! We need to leave now!" Rush and Ambush ran through the door as Halt followed them. "You won't get away with this," the person growled. He quickly stood up and pursued the three down the hallway. "Where are we going?!" Rush asked. "I don't know, just don't look back! Keep going forward!" Halt answered.

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