Chapter 27 - Stuck Alone

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"Ugh..." Rush let out a sigh of boredom. He was still trapped inside the room. He lay down and gazed at the ceiling. The lights emitted a low buzz. Those lights... that sound is so annoying! There's nothing to do here... Ugh, I'm so, so so bored! He was only left with his own thoughts. Suddenly, he felt tired. The world blurred around him as he closed his eyes. But as soon as he fell asleep, something hit him on his chest. It was light. "What the..." Rush muttered, slightly startled as he slowly sat up. It was two pieces of bread. Huh... Couldn't even bother to put them on something... he thought. Then, the lasers deactivated as a bottle of water rolled in. "About time..." he mumbled. He picked the bottle up and twisted the cap open. After he drank, he closed the cap and tossed it aside. He had left the pieces of bread on the floor. After all, where else was he going to put it? Even though it was not very clean, he had no other choice. He picked up a piece, brushed it, and then ate it. He imagined Ambush and Halt were going through the same things he was experiencing at that moment—being stuck alone, with no one to talk to, just you, and your thoughts to keep yourself company. Why... I shouldn't have left the room... But, I guess... There's no point crying over spilt milk... Guess I'll just have to deal with it. Hopefully someone comes to free the three of us... His thoughts kept appearing and disappearing from his head. But he would rather that than to be in complete isolation.

Rush looked up at the broken camera mount for the surveillance camera. Well... At least I'm not being watched... I wonder why the person hasn't tried to fix it... It had been at least a few hours since he had been trapped in the cell. But then, he heard something outside the cell. "Let me go!" he heard someone say, struggling. Who's that? Wait.
a second... That... That sounds like... Timothy...? Suddenly, he heard the sounds of something getting hit, followed by, "Enough! If you're not gonna cooperate, then I'll just use force!" Rush knew what had happened, the person had probably used something to knock Timothy out. Oh no... More people are getting taken... But why? Why does he want to take us...? We've done nothing wrong... I... I don't think we have...

Rush sighed, there was nothing he could do, the only way out was by the door, which is blocked by lasers. But even then, the door had a lock from the outside, there was no way he could escape. He did not even know how to pick a lock. He wished that he had a pencil and a paper, that way he could get Spirit to help him and the others. But there was nothing else he could use. But then, a thought occured to him. Hold on, what if... What if I use the cap on the bottle and maybe... carve 'Spirit' on the wall twice? I'm not getting watched so... there's no one to stop me! Rush had hope, he unscrewed the bottle cap and started carving Spirit's name on the wall twice. He knew this was going take some time, and so, he hoped for the best.

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