Spirit's Backstory - Chapter I

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"You went out with that friend of yours again?!"

"Yea, what's wrong with that?!"

"You know you're not allowed to go out with him! Bad influence, I say; staying at hotels for free—"

"I've already told you, he has permission!"

"I don't want to hear it anymore! Go to your room!"

"You know what? I'm done! You're just too controlling! I'm leaving, don't try and look for me."

And just like that, it was over. Spirit took her hoodie, a few other clothes and from the clothes racksand stormed out the front door.

It was a cold, rainy night, the rain was especially strong that night. Spirit took one glance back at the house, and stepped into the pouring rain. She didn't care that she'd be completely wet, she just wanted to get as far away as possible from her parents.

Spirit walked along the road, which was only lit up by a few lampposts. Where am I going? Her mind thought of all the places she could go. But there was one place she had in mind — The Hotel. She had gone there so many times she'd basically memorised the route from her home (or in her mind, her former home) to the Hotel. That was where her closest friend lived, Hide. He was living there for free as his parents were, let's just say, not good at being parents. However, only two other people knew that he was living in the Hotel for free: Spirit and the co-founder of the Hotel, Glitch.

Spirit ran along the streets, almost slipping at one point, towards the Hotel. She knew she'd be safe once she reached it.

It felt like an eternity until she finally saw the lights of the Hotel. It wasn't really that tall, only a few floors high, but compared to the rest of the landscape, it was.

Spirit pushed the doors to the Hotel open. The Main Hall was completely that day. Gotta make sure I don't get seen by anyone... Spirit thought to herself. She went over to the door that led to the rooms and opened it cautiously. There was a long hallway behind the door, the floor completely covered with a carpet. Spirit walked over to Hide's room, careful not to attract any attention to herself. Seems like they did some redecorating to the Hotel... Spirit thought as she looked at the carpet; it was much cleaner than the previous one.

Finally, Spirit reached the door to Hide's room, she knocked on the door. There was silence for a while, until the door finally opened.

"Spirit? What're you doing so late at night?" the person from inside the room questioned her.

"Be quiet, Hide!" Spirit whispered to him.

"Right, sorry..."

"It's fine..."

"So, what are you doing here? And why are you completely drenched?" Hide asked, flustered, while closing the door behind him.

"Stuff happened back at my home, and, I... ran away..."

"What?! You ran away from home?!"

"Yea... Kinda..."

"Not to be nosy, but what was it about?"



Spirit sighed. "It's a long story. I'll tell you another time... For now, any towels you have that I could use?"

"Yea, sure. I got some at the bathroom. Just stay here, I'll get some for you."

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