Spirit's Backstory - Chapter VIII

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"So, you thought you could get away with it?"

A singular lightbulb was switched on, and Spirit saw that she was in a small room reminiscent of an interrogation room. She looked around, fortunately, Hide was right next to her. Unfortunately, they were both strapped to a chair with a large steel chain with a lock. "Hey, you alright?" Hide whispered to her. "Yeah," Spirit whispered back.

"Enough talking!" a voice from behind them shouted. Just then, a person walked in front of Hide and Spirit, under the lightbulb.

"W-Who are you?! What have you done to us?!" Spirit shouted at the mysterious person.

The person laughed slightly. "To answer your first question, I'm someone you might have heard of before-I believe the name Shadow rings a bell somewhere inside your brain?"

"So you're the guy Glitch was telling us about!" Hide said.

And while Shadow was monologuing, Spirit remembered a spell to open locks. She recited it quietly, making sure that Shadow wouldn't be able to hear it. The lock glowed yellow, but nothing happened. "Why hadn't anything happened? Did I do something wrong?" Spirit wondered.

"Oh, naive, naive Spirit..." Shadow said. "This might come off as shocking, but you're not the only one who knows magic."

"How... How do you know my name...?" Spirit asked slightly nervously.

"All thanks to your friend and my business parter, Glitch, of course!"

Shadow turned on another lightbulb further away revealing a machine with Glitch strapped to a chair beside it. Glitch wasn't awake, but looked more like he was sleeping. His arms were strapped to the armrests with a pair of restraints, and there was an object which looked like a metal hat on his head, with multiple wires connected to the object.

"What is wrong with you?! You're absolutely crazy!" Spirit cried out.

"I know, I know. Pretty good right?" Shadow said, smiling to himself.

"What on Earth did you do to Glitch?!" Hide questioned.

"Nothing much, just took out most, maybe all of his memories, have 'em all here in this box." Shadow picked up a box filled with VHS tapes.

"You're an actual lunatic! Bring him back right now!" Spirit insisted, she felt a few tears welling up in her eyes, she had just lost a friend, what more will happen to her and Hide?

"I don't think I will, I'll just put him somewhere in the hotel. He'll be clueless about everything!"

"No! Bring him back right now! We need him!" Hide shouted.

Spirit couldn't believe what was happening. A moment ago the two were in Hide's room relaxing, and all of a sudden a fire broke out, and now they were stuck in some interrogation room with a lunatic destroying their friend's life. But then, Spirit remembered-she could turn into her light form anytime she wanted.

And so Spirit waited for the perfect moment to turn into her light form and free herself and Hide. That moment came when Shadow turned his back to check on Glitch. Spirit recited the spell and soon, a blinding white light filled the room. When the light disappeared, she flew out of the restraints and scanned the room. She noticed a pair of keys lying next to Shadow. And while Shadow was still stunned, she quickly turned back into her human form, grabbed the keys and unlocked the lock.

The restraints on Hide were gone, and now they only had a few seconds to leave the room. Fortunately, there was a door behind them, and so Spirit and Hide rushed towards it. However, Shadow had already returned to his senses. "It's not going to be that easy," he said. He muttered something, and a few chains appeared and barricaded the door.

Suddenly, the room went dark, and Spirit couldn't see anything. She could hear Shadow snapping his fingers.

But when the lights came back, it was too late. There was a blackish substance everywhere, and Hide was caught in it, as well as Glitch, who had been released from the restraints, but still sleeping.

"Looks like I'm unable to trap you. Well, no problem, I'll just take away what you care about most, Hide.

"No, no, no, please! Don't!" Spirit pleaded. But mercy was nowhere to be found. Shadow smirked as a door appeared behind him. It swung wide open as all of the shadowy substance emptied out, carrying along with it Hide and Glitch.

Spirit quickly turned into her light form to try to follow Shadow, but the door had disappeared, and he was nowhere to be found.

Spirit was left in the room all by herself. She stared at the location where the door that had taken Hide was. "No... N-No, this can't be real. Please, no!" Spirit begged. But there was no one to listen to her, just herself and her thoughts. All that was left in her mind was Hide. Spirit felt her eyes get watery. Soon, the first tears came out. And eventually, she had broken down. "No! Please! Bring him back! I'll do anything!" she shouted. "You're such an idiot, Spirit! This is all your fault!" The word 'Hide' kept repeating itself in her head. Reminding her of the friend she had just lost, reminding her that there was nothing she could do. She was all alone, and something in her guts told her it was going to be like this for a long, long time.

Spirit lay on the ground for the next couple of hours. And once she finally had the strength, she turned into her light form and went back up to try to find the Hotel and her room. Eventually, she found it. She sat on her bed, staring at the photo of her, Hide and Glitch together, all smiling happily. Spirit couldn't bear the pain, and so she flipped the photo onto the nightstand.

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