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In this world, there exist more living creatures than simply humans and plants. These new creatures are a new species all on their own and most have a humanoid shape. However, you can be guaranteed one thing. They will almost always slaughter human beings using whatever abilities they have.

Pathetic... Rox, who had black hair and dark green eyes which were as deep as the universe itself thought to himself as he glanced around his classroom at various classmates. These eyes contained more than just hatred, there was even a hint of agitation as well as interest. He did not obey the uniform procedure as every other student did. Sure, with the other students there were a few slip-ups from time to time, but as for him, he never wore anything other than a dark grey hoodie which his black, long hair covered the hood of, with a jet black shirt underneath his hoodie, slightly visible due to the 5 inches of the hoodie that were unzipped. He wore black sports pants as well. Rox began to let his thoughts wander off some more. Every single one of them... They're trash, I'd love to see every single one of them die a painful death, after being tortured of course. Maybe I could even get off to it, haven't been able to do that in 3 years, ever since 'that' happened... He had a very negative scowl upon his face which would not be removed any time soon, if not never by any normal methods. The teacher of the room babbled on and on about random subjects, or at least, that's what it seemed like to Rox. It was as if each second were an eternity, and it was dreadfully boring for him. He unfortunately, had forgotten his journal which he used to draw in at home. Rox was always very pessimistic. It had been like this since 3 years before. He was however, extremely intelligent and quiet. He was feared around this school, as he attacked anybody who threatened him or didn't respond when people asked him anything. Even though he didn't take any notes, while the rest of the students kept up with great effort, he was the smartest one in the school, as packed as it was. It was a large building that was 15 stories tall, fencing around the roof, as most Japanese schools were. It had four large windows per every room that was at one of the building's edges. Each room contained 60 students, all of whom were inferior to Rox in terms of knowledge and IQ, that is. Soon, the bell let out a loud screech, dismissing all 60 students. Rox slouched as he walked, and was the last person out of the classroom.

Rox walked upon the sidewalk, his black Converses tapping lightly against the hard, cold cement with every step he took. He looked down at the sidewalk as he walked. The same, bored expression upon his face.

Rox was sitting in his leather, slightly tattered swivel chair. He was in his room, of the house which he had found abandoned and fixed up so he could live in it. He had a headset on and was sitting in front of his monitor. The monitor was the only light source in the room. He was one hundred percent focused upon the screen. He was playing an MMORPG upon his computer which remained on top of his sturdy, wooden desk. He let out a slight yawn and released the mouse before leaning back in his chair, hands behind his head, elbows out. He sighed and spoke softly as he lifted his wrist in front of his eyes, checking his watch, "2:57 AM... Suppose I should go to sleep." With that, he leaned back up and turned off his monitor before standing up and walking over to his bed, where he layed down and proceeded to cover up. He fell asleep within 15 minutes, and all was dark. Suddenly, 2 wide, glowing red eyes opened, staring at him.

Rox rolled around in his bed, restlessly. He had overslept, yet again. It was 10 past 9, according to his alarm clock, which he never actually used. It was just there so he would look a bit more responsible. He soon opened his eyes, sitting up in his bed, throwing the covers off himself before he lazily slipped out of his bed and onto the floor. He slouched as he walked, as he always did. He walked into his bathroom, at a very leisurely pace. He gripped the sides of the sink with a weak grasp, leaned forward slowly and looked into the mirror. Damn... I feel like I got hit by a bus... I'm surprised I can even move... I'm really hungry, too... He thought to himself, before standing straight up and stretching. Somehow... I can feel the pain... But it's like it's not really there... He put his arms back down and slouched yet again as he walked out of his bathroom, over to his dresser. It was old and tattered, much like mostly everything else. The only thing which wasn't very tattered looking was his computer and the desk it sat upon, as well as his swivel chair. He grasped the handles of a drawer, pulling it out slowly. He blinked lazily and looked down into it, before pulling out a black hoodie. He threw it over his shoulder and let out a great yawn before closing the drawer. He then pulled out a lower drawer, looking down at all of the sets of sports pants which he owned. He pulled out the first pair he laid his eyes upon and threw them over his shoulder as well, on top of his hoodie. He then closed that drawer, only to pull out yet another one, picking the first pair of boxers he saw. Time for a shower... He thought to himself, and with that he strolled back over to the bathroom.

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