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"Attention! Everybody from Team Alpha, and everybody who cares about him, attention! We have reason to believe Captain Black is about to pass, and you all need to come, please!" The doctor from before called out over the intercom. Rox sprung from his bed, and ran out the door, You bastard, you can't die on me now! He thought to himself. Crime bolted from Masamune's embrace, and ran back inside, "Kira!" Masamune called out, running after her. Shy and Kiana leapt from their beds as well, running out of their rooms as quickly as they could. Loud footsteps came from Bruno, as he stormed down the hall as fast as he could. "Permission to go, sir?!" Asked a man with long, velvet hair, and a scar on his cheek, who stood in front of General White. General White stood from his chair, and stomped the bottom of his rapier's sheathe against the ground, "Permission granted," he said, in a very stern tone.

The two ran from the room, and down the hallway, in a panic. Augustus ran as fast as he could through the white halls, his eyebrows bared down, Don't die on me now, mate, we've got things to do, and I can't be leader of Team Alpha forever, I just don't have it in me, Augustus thought to himself. All of those people, and everybody on Team Alpha, ran down the hall as quickly as they could. Rox didn't take even a second to transform into his vector form, running down the hall at such speeds, bouncing from the walls and past the intersections of the hallway. Suddenly, Bruno recognized Rox, as he ran towards Black's room, a few meters away. "Rox!" Bruno called out, running after him, and positioning himself into the hallway that Rox was running down. "Was that Rox?!" Crime asked, as she saw him bolt by the end of the hall which she and Masamune were in, running even faster. Augustus joined into the hallway at the same time as Kiana, who shifted into Vector form as well, both of them leaping over Bruno, running after Rox. "Go get him, you two! Hurry!" Bruno called out, summoning all of his strength to run as fast as he could after them.

"Brother!" Kiana called out, "Rox!" Augustus called out, as they chased after him, beginning to catch up. However, Rox ignored them, and all he worried about, was getting to Black, and getting to him on time. Rox looked back, catching a glimpse of Kiana and Augustus as they caught up; He decided that he couldn't let them catch up to him, and his feet and ankles suddenly shifted form, and he escaped the chance of them catching up to him. Then, Rox came closer to the door, but it wouldn't open in time for him to get through it, and thus, he leapt up and called out Black's name, putting his arms in front of his face to defend himself as he curled into a ball, breaking through the door and landing in front of Black's bed, before running over to the side. "Black! You fucking bastard!" Rox called out, as he transformed back into his human form, the doctor staring at him, wondering what he'd just seen. "You can't die on me now!" Rox called out, falling to his knees beside Black's bed, and crying.

Meanwhile, in Black's dream, Black stood on the border of a white void, and a black void, between two Justins, both of whom held their hands out to him. "Ross, you do want to see me again, right? Take my hand," The Justin on the black side said. "No, Ross!" The Justin on the white side said, "You can't! You need to accept the fact that I'm dead, and move on with your life! Please, Ross, take my hand!" Black stood there, and glanced from one of them to the other "Which... Which one of you do I choose?" He asked. "You have to decide that on your own, but I'm begging you, please don't choose the other one!" The Justin on the white side said. "Don't listen to him, Ross, take my hand, and you can see me again. Don't you want to see me again, Ross?" The Justin on the black side asked. "No, please! Ross, you need to take my hand!" The Justin on the white side said, when suddenly, Black found himself inside of a scenery which he remembered from his past.

Black was laying on the ground there, and he sat up, looking around, "Where am I?" He asked himself. "Where do you think?" Asked a voice from behind Black. Black immediately turned around, only to find Justin, again, with his arms behind his back, facing the distant horizon, his braided hair swaying lightly in the gentle winds. "Am I... in a dream?" Black asked, getting up. "Yes, you are, my young disciple, you remember my name, do you not, Ross?" Justin asked. "Yeah, but why are you facing that way?" Black asked. "Because you can't remember my face," Justin answered, "Try to look back, close your eyes, and remember everything from your past." Suddenly, a world of darkness overcame the mossy stone scenery, leaving only Justin and Black there.

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