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Rox ran through the white halls, in his Vector form, dodging the gunfire that came from behind him. Pursuing him were two men, who wore exo-suits, on hoverbikes, both of which were armed with small cannons at the front, and they were catching up to him. Soon, Rox got to the exit of the building, and he ran through it, the men on the bikes following behind him, getting into single file to shoot through the exit, before swerving back in the direction of Rox, and getting side by side once again. Damnit! Why won't these guys just listen to me?! Rox asked himself, as he ran through the snow. Suddenly, as he came to the corner of the building, another soldier on a hoverbike came around, firing at him. Rox barely rolled out of the way in time, just before springing over the bike, at which point, a fourth biker came around the corner.

Rox barely made it over this biker, before resuming his dash, leaping up onto the side of the building, claws growing from his fingers and toes, which he used to dig into the wall, beginning to run on the side of it, escalating up to the top of the building, where he joined up with Kiana, who was also running. "Why won't they listen?!" Kiana asked, not having enough time to look over at Rox before the two of them leaped off of the plateau-like part of the building which they were on, landing on another snow-covered rooftop. The bikers came in right behind them, having climbed up the wall on their bikes. They landed behind them, swerving a bit before they caught their balance. Rox and Kiana came to the edge of the building, rolling out of the way and avoiding the gunfire which came from the bikers, when suddenly, a helicopter ascended right at the edge of the building, supposedly cutting them off.

Rox and Kiana had no choice but to jump, and so they did. They came close to the rotors, and everything seemed to slow down. Then, they used their claws to dig into opposite sides of the helicopter, barely avoiding the rotors which sped so fast directly above them, and leaping off the tail of the helicopter, over the smaller rotor at the back. The two landed in a roll on the snow-covered ground, the bikers continuing to pursue them, the helicopter turning around and just beginning to do such. Meanwhile, in the large room where Rox had first met White, Black held White by the collar, six soldiers, all armed with assault rifles which were trained on him, surrounding him from behind as he pressed White against the wall.

"Damn it, white, call off your troops!" Black demanded, gripping White's collar tighter. "Black, do not forget the position you are in. You are guilty of harboring and taking care of two vectors," White said. "Don't you see that they're just like us?!" Black asked, furiously. "In that state of mind, you are quite wrong, old friend, for they are the exact opposite of us," White said, "We evolved for the better of humanity, whilst they evolved for the worse." Suddenly, Crime leaned in from one entrance of the room, and Augustus leaned in from the other, Crime aiming her own gun as well as another pistol at two soldiers, Augustus aiming his arms, which were currently transformed into cannons, at two soldiers as well.

"White, mate, I really don't think you want me to unleash this inside of here," Augustus said, giving White a smile, "Call off your men." "You're holding my soldiers hostage? They're willing to die in the line of duty, if it's for the better of humanity, and you should be too," White said, "Because I can do the exact same thing." Then, Masamune came from behind Crime, and placed his blade against her nape, as a different soldier came up from behind Augustus, and placed a gun against the back of his head. Then, Black pulled his pistol from it's holster, and pressed it against White's head. "Masamune, what the hell are you doing?" Crime asked.

"Forgive me, Crime, but these are orders, orders which I cannot deny," Masamune responded. "You should really find it in yourself to do so," Black said, looking back at him, and giving him a small wink. "Now?" Masamune asked, silently. Black gave a nod, and suddenly, Masamune bolted towards the last two soldiers, who weren't being held hostage, and put his blade against their necks, as Crime grew closer, pressing the pistols directly against the backs of their heads. Then, Augustus flipped backwards, pressing the bottoms of his boots against the ceiling and plummeting down upon the soldier who had been behind him, knocking him unconscious. "So, what now? Do you really want to lose this many valuable people?" Black asked, flipping the safety off of his pistol. 

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