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"I'll have to force you!" Rox called out, looking Rin dead in the eye, Vector plates which resembled gauntlets having grown on his arms, his finger nails having hardened, and grown into claws, his Vector cords wiggling around. Rin scoffed, before he called out, "You've just learned how to use your Vector form, haven't you?" He asked, which surprised Rox, "How'd you know?" Rox asked. "Because all new Vectors and half-vectors use determination to carry out everything they do, and from what I can see, your eyes are full of it," Rin explained. "Wait, you mean there's another way?" Rox asked, "Of course there's another way, you idiot, that way is inefficient, since you can't shift your determination to do one thing into determination to do another as quick as you want to," Rin responded. Then, he looked over Rox's shoulder, and saw a hand, which belonged to Black, catch the rail, Black beginning to pull himself up, and thus, Rin turned and began running once again.

"Rin!" Rox called out as Black swung himself over the rail, landing with a thud, in a kneeling position on the metal path. "Damnit!" Rox said, as he jumped over the gap, and began running after Rin yet again, Black following behind him; Rin had lied several times before, and thus was a reason for Rox to have disbelief in his words, but could he have been telling the truth when he said that? That there was another way to do things while in his Vector form? Rox wondered these things as he chased after Rin, keeping his Vector cords's wiggling about to a minimum, so he could run faster. Then, Rin swung his arm, causing it extend as it had before, the thin blade which had also grown onto him appearing yet again, the blade slicing through one of the thick chains that held the massive buckets of molten liquid above them, causing the bucket to fall, tipping over as it did, and thus spilling some of the molten liquid inside onto the path where it hit, which was a few meters away from where Rox was when it hit, melting it almost instantly, creating another gap for Rox and Black to jump over, which they did, when they got to it.

Then, Rin's arm returned to normal, albeit both of them extending nearly seconds later when he swung his arms fully out, causing them to grow out to a few inches from where the chains that held the metal path they stood on. Rin came up on another pair of chains when the same thin blades from before grew out, and sliced right through the two chains, causing the part which the chain held to fall down, creating yet another gap, just before Rin came up on more chains, thus causing the platform that they belonged to to fall as well, before his arms reverted back to normal, both of the platforms which had fallen being held up by the other chains which held them. Then, Rox came up to the large gap, and it took a large amount of confidence to jump over it when he did, just barely making it. The chase continued, and none of the three seemed close to tiring anytime soon.

Then, they came to an intersection in the metal paths, within what seemed the center of the building, at which point, Rin stopped and sliced a square in the path out beneath him, causing the path to drop onto the intersection in paths below them, before beginning to run back towards the direction that they had came from. When Rox came up to the hole, he jumped through it, and landed on the cut out square of the path, before looking around in search of Rin. Then, part of the metal paths above them suddenly wrinkled upwards before it was ripped out of the path that it belonged to, revealing Black, who jumped down through the hole that it made, and landed on part of the metal paths below, a few meters ahead of Rox, who followed Black as he turned around and began running in the direction that Rin had.

"How do you know he went this way!?" Rox asked, in a rather loud voice, as he caught up to Black, running alongside of him. "Because I know how Rin thinks, and I can sense him!" Black responded, "Good enough for me!" Rox said, before he ran past Black, continuing to chase after Rin. "Rox!" Black called out from behind Rox, seconds after Rox had ran past him; Rox looked back, before Black finished what he was saying, "Don't let him escape!" He said, and after that, there was a second or two of silence before Rox, in a very bold tone, said, "Not on my life," and suddenly bolted forwards with a sudden, quite dramatic boost in speed. The game had suddenly changed, and Rox was now faster than Rin, and was catching up to him quite a quick manner. When Rin looked back and saw this, he immediately turned to the side and got a grip on the rail, swinging himself over it and under it, landing on the metal path below him, at which point, Rox did the same, Black doing the same thing which he had done last time, ripping part of the metal path up before jumping through the hole that it made.

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