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"It's been half a decade since you last saw me, and gave me advice that got me arrested, and that's all you have to say to me, you bastard?" Crime asked, staring at the man who knelt beside another, who was old, and had long white hair, sitting in a large chair with closed eyes. "Now, now, both of you calm down," The white-haired man said, in a Russian accent, and a deep voice, leaning forward in the chair, which had a sheathed rapier leaning against it's side. "Who the hell are you to tell us to stop, old man?" Crime asked. "Take such a tone with him again and I'll behead you," The man with black hair said, bringing his hand to the hilt of his katana. "Crime," Bruno, who was standing at the other side of the room, said, "That man is the leader of The Unity, have some respect," "I don't have time for respect, right now, Bruno," Crime said, pulling out her knives. Crime and the black-haired man were in a stare down, both of them with weapons ready.

The leader of The Unity opened his green eyes, with a stern look on his face, grabbing the rapier at his side and slamming the bottom of it's sheathe against the ground, "Enough, you two," he said, in a stern tone, before taking the bottom of his rapier's hilt, and standing up, using the rapier as a cane. The man was tall, though nowhere near as tall as Bruno, standing around 6'3. Crime decided that it would be best to wait, and put her knives back up, the black-haired man taking his hand off the hilt of his katana. The leader closed his eyes, "Thank you; Now, Masamune, you understand your situation, so please explain it to Team Alpha," he said. "Your lordship, are you sure?" The black-haired man asked, sitting up.

"Dear Masamune, I've told you many times to call me by my name," The leader said. "Forgive me, General White," Masamune said, bowing. General White sighed, "I suppose I'll accept that, anyway, I'll explain what it is that I called you here for," he said, "I understand that you've recently lost Rin, as well as Kana. Masamune, here, can replace both of them," White said. Rox's fist clenched, though he held his words back. "He is an elite swordsmen, with a score of thirty, which is almost as high as Bruno's score. Speaking of scores, we should probably have you three take the test," White said, looking over at Rox and Crime."

"Three?" Rox asked, before turning around, finding Kiana, who had just walked in, "Hey, sorry I'm late," She said. "It's fine, we were just discussing finding out what scores you three have," White explained, smiling. "What exactly are these scores?" Rox asked, raising an eyebrow. "They measure how many low level Vectors you can kill when surrounded," General White said. "Alright, when do we take them?" Rox asked, curiously. "Tomorrow, I suppose you three can take them around noon," White replied.

"Alright, but I should go ahead and tell you," Rox began, "I'm a half-" Suddenly, Rox was interrupted by Bruno, "Hungry!" he said, "You mentioned being hungry earlier when you got out of your coma, right?" Bruno pretended. Suddenly, Rox realized what he was about to say, along with its consequences, and gave a nod, "Yeah! Actually, I'm really hungry!" Rox said, his stomach growling. He really was hungry, due to the fact that he hadn't eaten anything in several hours. Rox looked over at Bruno, who gave Rox a very stern look. "Very well, I'm a bit famished myself, so, shall we proceed to the feast hall for dinner?" White asked, with a smile on his face. "Yeah, let's go," Rox said, before all of them proceeded to the feast hall.

It was a giant room, with six columns and eleven tables in each column, each table being sturdy, polished oak, and having enough room to seat  sixteen people, eight on each side, where Rox, Kiana, Crime, and Bruno all sat at one table together. "Rox, what were you thinking?" Bruno asked, staring at Rox with a stern look, from across the table, sitting beside Crime. "Bruno, I already told you, I don't fucking know, something just overtook me, and the next second, it was like words were slipping out of my mouth," Rox responded, forking a piece of steak into his mouth. "Crime, you're in the same place as Rox? What the hell were you thinking, lass? Just drawing your knives like that?" Bruno asked. "I'm gonna kill that Masamune guy!" Crime exclaimed, clenching her fists, "That bastard left me when I needed him most!" "Crime, I can understand that, but you're in the wrong, none-the-less." "Bruno?" Kiana said, "You're really good at being a leader, so why would Black make Augustus the future leader?" "I suppose the lad's just better, lass," Bruno said, smiling to Kiana.

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