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Suddenly, Rox jolted awake, analyzing his surroundings as soon as he sat up, keeping himself up with his arms. He soon found that he was in his room, upon his bed, covered up; He swung his legs off of his bed and sat on the edge, resting his arms on his legs with his body arched forward as he calmed his breathing. Then, he took a moment to remember everything that had happened within the last few days, and clenched his fist when he'd recollected it all, looking down at his clenched fist with a determined look in his eyes before he got up out of his bed, onto his feet, and walked over to the door, not bothering to change clothes from the hoodie, jeans, and Converses he was wearing now. He walked out of the room when the door opened and walked over to the room across from his, which Kiana was in, and knocked on the door, waiting a few seconds before it opened, revealing Kiana behind it. "Come in," She said, stepping aside, allowing Rox to pass, which he did, walking into the room.

Kiana closed the door behind him, leaning against the door frame, looking over at him with a smirk on her face, her arms behind her back as she did so, speaking up, "So, you think you've got what it takes to overcome the third exercise, brother?~" She asked, giggling. "I know I do," He said, looking into her eyes with a confident, determined look, "Ooh~, you're confident about this, aren't you?" She asked, "Extremely," He responded, "Well, that's good, because that means the first exercise worked, now let's see if the second one did too," She said, raising her arm and tapping the button on the wall, opening the door before walking out, Rox walking out behind her, closing the door as he did. They walked into the hall and began to proceed towards the direction of the exit. Soon, they reached it, and exited the giant vehicle, before walking off over to the field from yesterday, which they'd used for the other two exercises.

"Alright, Brother~," Kiana said, turning around playfully, with a smile on her face, "Today, for the last exercise, you're gonna have to listen, I'm gonna teach you everything you need to know about Vectors." Rox nodded, "Alright, I'm ready," He said, "Then let's begin," Kiana responded, with a smile on her face. They walked over to the rock they'd used as a table yesterday and sat down before Kiana began, "Most Vectors have extremely sensitive ears, in turn for very weak eyes, however, half-vectors like us only experience small signs of this, such as our vision becoming blurry for a few seconds, but our hearing is still boosted, none-the-less, though not as much as a normal Vector's is. Some Vectors, however, have different variations of sensing, or can cover their ears without use of their limbs at will, or can otherwise prevent hearing for a short amount of time," She explained, pointing at her own ear.

As time passed, Kiana thoroughly went on about everything that one could yearn to know about Vectors, covering their weak points, all the way to what they could and couldn't do. When she had stopped speaking, a sandstorm had kicked up, and it was around noon, and she and Rox laid on the ground, on opposite sides of the large rock, which they'd used as a table multiple times. They sat there in silence, looking up at the sky, before Rox's stomach growled, breaking that silence, "I'm hungry," He said, laying his right arm over his eyes. "Me too, why don't we get some lunch?" Kiana asked, sitting up, getting onto her feet and stretching her arms out with a yawn. Rox followed her actions, standing up on the other side of the rock and placing his thumbs in the pockets of his jeans, "Yeah, that'd be nice, but where'll we go?" He said, "You think we could find a town which isn't ghosted out?" She asked, "Maybe get some food there?"

"It's not impossible, I suppose," Rox responded, walking around the rock, proceeding down the path which they'd came down, towards The Guerilla, Kiana following up beside him, her hands behind her back. "So, wanna ask Black if we can try?" Kiana asked, before suddenly, a loud hissing sound could be heard, followed by another one, and another one. Judging by the directions which the hisses were coming from, whatever was making them was circling around them, and it was cloaked by the sandstorm; By this time, Rox and Kiana were ready for whatever was about to come at them, their backs against each other, their fists up. Suddenly, what had been making the hissing sounds suddenly emerged from the veil of sand, revealing itself to be a Vector, though not just any Vector, no, it was the Vector from before, who had seemed to be a mix of a spider and a normal Vector.

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