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Drip, drip, drip. This was the sound of the trickling water within the cavern. It was a wonder that water even existed down in a Volcano. However, new discoveries were to be expected at this point, and what was unexpected was surely inevitable. The two soldiers moved not only in silence, but in complete stealth. On their visors they could see each other, through infrared technology. The stalactites continued to drip with small drops of water.

It felt rather pleasant in the cavern, it must have only been sixty seven degrees. However, the atmosphere was quite different from the temperature; the atmosphere was tense, and blood curdling. Occasional shrieks could be heard coming from elsewhere within the cavern. Perhaps this would be the final fight, or what Rox could refer to as "The final boss." It would be a great relief to take down Tank here and now, but it wouldn't be easy. Rox knew Black had a plan, though.

After having been a part of Team Alpha for so long now, Rox knew the ins and outs, and he cared for not only the people there, but for the people who were affected by this tragedy. Rox had gained compassion over the course of his stay. He knew the people he worked with, and he knew Black and Kiana better than he knew anybody else. Suddenly, his thoughts were disrupted by a nearby screech. Black's hand immediately went to his pistol, as did Rox's. Black looked back at Rox and looked him in the eyes.

There's quite a bit of thermal diversity in your face and head. One half could be boiling hot while the other could be freezing cold, though that'd probably kill you. Just about anything boiling hot could kill you with relative ease. One of the thermally diverse regions is the eyes, and the eye-sockets. This would allow Rox and Black to look each other directly in the eyes.

Rox nodded, giving Black the signal he wanted - To move on. This cavern would most likely be infested with Vectors, some maintaining similar traits, and others concealing quite diverse traits. Infrared vision was quite possible for something such as a Vector, and if one Vector could see them, it would be safe to assume that the rest would follow that one Vector. They usually had similar mindsets - Search and eliminate, then consume. Though, this was without a doubt for sport, and not for food.

Vectors had been shown to go days, even weeks before they needed real food again. It would seem that they were similar to plants in that aspect. They absorbed things around them and turned it into energy. Whether it be sunlight, darkness, water, oxygen; this, fortunately, could not last them forever. Eventually, after a diet like this, they would grow into an anorexic form. Some Vectors would be observed to fall into a deep sleep, while others would die. Suddenly, the time for thinking ended yet again, as another screech could be heard. The Vector incoming would undoubtedly be surrounded by other Vectors.

The fact that it was incoming meant that at least one of the Vectors, maybe even more, could sense them in a way that wasn't sight. Suddenly, a Vector was visible from Rox's peripherals. "Rox, don't go Vector mode in here, you'll give off a scent that attracts even more Vectors," Black said, "Use that sword I gave you." Rox reached over his shoulder and gripped the hilt of a sword. He pulled out a Wakizashi, and stood at the ready. "Don't try to be an expert on this yet, swordsmanship is hard," Black said, "If you feel you can't take care of it, fall back, and I'll take over."

Rox nodded before de-activating his invisibility, running at the original Vector, which was surrounded by five or six other Vectors. All classified as normal Vectors, none abnormal, and none especially dangerous. Black stepped in beside Rox and put his katana in front of him, preparing to engage the Vectors in combat. Suddenly, the first Vector grew within range. Without even a word, the two soldiers worked in perfect unison, Rox stabbing forward into the Vector's sternum, kicking it's knees in before reaching around it and pulling it down. Black shoved his sword into the creatures spine, putting it to an eternal sleep.

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