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Rox stared, wide-eyed at the girl who was identical to the one within his dreams. After she bowed, having introduced herself, she walked over, only to sit down directly beside of Rox. He gulped quietly, beginning to search his mind for a logical conclusion. Maybe it was... A premonition! No... no, it was a different situation, it couldn't have been. She's the same girl, no doubt. But... I keep getting this nostalgic feeling from her... It's so nostalgic... It almost hurts to look at her. Rox thought to himself, glancing back over as the teacher began his babbling yet again. After that, he looked back down at his desk as he had been. "Hello?" The girl whispered, looking over at Rox. Rox looked up, raising an eyebrow in response to her greeting. "Vicious... It's such a pleasant name... Hopefully, you're smarter than all of these people..." He said, allowing her to respond afterward, "Thanks... But I wanted to know if you'd mind showing me around?" Vicious asked. He was both frightened half to death and interested as ever in this girl, he could not deny that. However, he wanted to learn about this girl, more than he was frightened of dying to her. Thus, he responding with a small shake of his head and whispered, "Not at all." Upon Vicious' lips grew a smile as she spoke, "Thanks~"

Rox stepped through the hallway, avoiding the slow walkers as well as the standers, those who just stood around in the hallway, either waiting to be knocked over or talking to their friends. It was quite annoying to Rox. He was a very fast walker. He preferred to be agile and quick with everything he did. Soon, as he found his way into the cafeteria, he saw it. There she sat. Vicious, being pestered by five students, all larger than her. Classic thugs. It was clear who was their leader. The tall, bulky one who stood behind all five of them. Vicious looked distressed, worried. For some reason, that hit one of Rox's nerves. He wasn't passive-aggressive anymore. At least, not at the moment. He was pissed, and he'd attack anything or anyone who dared come near him. Luckily, this wasn't a problem, as mostly everybody avoided him, due to either fear or admiration. Rox clenched his fists tight and began walking towards the table which Vicious sat at. This was now a ticking time-bomb. With every step, Rox's aggressiveness grew stronger, more fierce. With every blink, his eyes seemed to overflow with even more rage than before. Then, about halfway there, he broke into a run. Everybody cleared the way, in fear of Rox. Soon, he reached the thugs and took the scrawny one from behind, putting his arm behind his back, throwing him a few feet away, onto the floor. Next, the slightly larger one came at Rox, ready to tackle him. Rox simply threw a fist upward into the boy's jaw, grinning when he heard the small crack which was one, if not more of the guy's teeth cracking. Then, he had 2 coming at him at once, as the boy he broke the teeth of landed on the floor with a small grunt and a loud thud. Rox quickly jumped back before lifting the larger one of the two by his collar, only to slam him on the ground afterwards. He then took the second one by the wrist as he attempted to punch Rox, throwing him to the ground. Rox had the scrawny one coming at him again. By now, Rox was completely furious that these bastards had the nerve to fight back. He simply lifted his leg and slammed his heel into the boy's face, breaking his nose and sending him to the floor yet again. Then, the last of the five came at him, running. Rox grinned and ran at him as well, lowering his arm and sending his knuckles flying into the guy's stomach, causing him to cough up blood before sliding onto the table, then falling off onto the floor with a thud and a grunt. "Move and she dies!" The boss of the five said, having Vicious hooked from behind, a knife to her neck. He spoke nervously, his hand shivering. Rox grunted from sheer fury, his teeth grinding together. He began raising his hands. I must be crazy... in front of the entire school too... What am I doing... They might... Kill me... He thought to himself, his eyes widening at the last thought. Then, he blinked and let memories from the past consume his mind completely. Then, he opened his eyes. His eyes looked as if they contained death themselves. He looked up slowly into the boss's eyes. He put his hands back down and began backing up. Everybody gasped and there were mumbles, mainly about Rox running away and him fighting for someone. Then, he bared his eyebrows down as the boss spoke, "W-what, too coward?! Running away?!" Then, Rox took one more step back and stopped. Then, the room was filled with his fury as he let out a mighty cry, one of those heard in war. He ran at the boss like a lion. He leaped up and grabbed the knife from the boss' hand, tackling him to the ground. He threw the knife to the side and began to furiously beat the boy to a bloody mess. "How dare you?! You bloody little shit! How dare you fucking stand up to me?! I'll put you in your place, bastard!"Rox called out, as if he were possessed by a demon. It took him about twenty seconds to realize that everybody was looking at him, either frightened or confused as to what just happened. Vicious however, simply tackled Rox to the ground from behind, hugging him tight. To which he finally snapped back to his senses and stood back up as Vicious thanked him. "Yeah... No problem..." He said, before prying her off of him. He then began walking towards the door. Then, he knelt down and picked up the knife with a slight grin on his face. I'll remember this moment by this knife... He said, with a small chuckle before walking out of the cafeteria. Vicious followed after him soon after.

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