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Rox!... Rox!... "Rox!" Vicious called out, standing over Rox, who was currently laying on his bed. His eyes opened slowly as he regained consciousness. "Glad you're alright, buddy," Bruno said, standing behind Vicious with his arms crossed, smiling. Vicious leaned over and hugged Rox tightly. "I'm so glad you're alright!" She said, tears of happiness running down her cheeks. "Don't kill him, Vish," Crime warned with a small giggle, standing beside of Bruno. "O-Oh, sorry, Rox!" Vicious said before leaning back up, letting Rox go. He sat up slowly in the bed, his memories a bit hazy. "What happened..?" He asked, rubbing his eyes a little. "You passed out, Rin says it was from stressing your body too much, but you don't have any stress marks and I'm sure you've done something like this before... I mean, you fight a lot, don't you, lad?" Bruno asked, raising an eyebrow. Rox nodded slightly, still rubbing his eyes. His vision was becoming rather hazy. Then, his eyes bolted wide open as he remembered what had happened. "Maybe it was just from shock of seeing Kana pass out?" He asked. "Kid..." Black said, having just entered the room. He gave a glance to everybody in the room and decided that nobody else in the room could tell Rox what had actually happened. Then, he sighed and walked over to him, standing at the foot of his bed. "Kana's dead." He said bluntly, in a firm and stern tone. "W-What..?" Rox asked. "I don't know if you realized, but you don't just pass out when you get shot with forty bullets," He said, in an almost unsure-sounding tone. Rox looked down at the blankets, depression within him. "I'm sorry.." He whispered, his depression quite identifiable in his tone. "For what? Lad, you've got nothing to be sorry about," Bruno explained. "But, I was there, and I couldn't protect her," Rox replied. "It's not your fault. We're just glad you're alive, so don't be so down," Black said, "We'll have a proper funeral for her soon." "You got her body?" He asked, looking up at him. Black nodded before he spoke, "We're preserving it in the freezer until we can get her a coffin." "Oh.." Rox responded before laying back down. "You'll have to get up soon. I know you're depressed and sad that she's gone, but so are all of us. You've just gotta accept that she's in a better place. She was destined to either die, or be a part in this unmerciful war. So, are you ready to accept it?" He asked, leaning over towards Rox, offering a hand with a genuine smile. This was rare from Black, he usually had a scowl or some form of look which represented displeasure on his face. Rox thought for a moment before grabbing Black's hand, letting Black help him up before he slid out of bed. "We've got some break time, so there's no need to gear up. I'll be going now." Black explained before he walked out of the room, the door closing behind him. "Ditto. Don't get me wrong, I'm hella' glad you're okay, but I've got stuff of my own to do." Crime said before she too, exited the room. Then, Vicious and Bruno stated their reasons for leaving before they actually did, leaving Rox sitting in his swivel chair, leaning back in it and looking up at the ceiling.

Bruno, Rin and Black were in a small, five feet by seven feet rectangular room. Black and Rin were sitting down at a table across from each other, Bruno was standing in front of the door with his arms crossed. "You wanted to see me, Hawk?" Rin asked, raising an eyebrow. "Don't play games, I have a very strong suspicion that you know what happened in that room," Black retorted quickly. "That room? What do you mean-?" "Rin, don't give me any of your shit. I know you were there, my intuition is never wrong, you of all people should know that. After all, you were my partner before, so let's not make this personal... I'll ask again. What did you see in that room?" Rin hesitated to speak, looking down, a bit to the side. "Rin," Bruno said, stepping closer beside Rin, laying one of his massive hands on his shoulder, "C'mon, lad. Don't make it hard on yourself." Rin let out a small sigh before speaking, "I saw-" Suddenly, a sharp beeping sound was emitted from the watch wrapped around Black's right wrist. He lifted it close enough to his face to examine it. "Proximity alert. Something big, very big." Black explained as Bruno opened the door, exiting into the hallway and walking over into the dome in the front of The Guerilla, which was right beside the room they were in. Black and Rin followed behind him, Rin running up to the control panel at the front of the dome, tapping the rather large pad in the middle of it, causing a holographic screen to come up which fed footage from the rear view camera. On the screen were Vectors who were approaching up behind the vehicle. Though, not just two or three. Thousands. "Holy shit... They're hording..." Rin said, wide-eyed. Shy stepped into the room frantically, panicking, "What's going on?!" "We've got something legendary on our tail. Rin, start up the engines." Black ordered before running out of the dome and down the hallway.

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