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Bruno was in a massive tank with eight legs, rather than standard tank tracks, and the tank he was in crawled rapidly across the ground as it scanned for signs of life in the massive sandstorm which had risen. "Black," Bruno said through the radio, "I can't find anything," He explained. "Copy that, continue searching and report back if you happen to find something," Black responded through the radio. The smoke of Black's cigarette flew out of the tiny holes in the side of his helmet as he zipped through the sandstorm on the bike which hovered centimeters above the ground, connected to two other bikes, which were slightly smaller, but had the same function, and were connected to the larger bike by some kind of purple lightning. "Rox, Kiana, get ready to depart," Black called out to them as they rode on the bikes which were connected to his own. "Yes, sir!" They responded, both of them gripping tightly on the handlebars of the bikes which they rode. "Three... Two... One," Black counted, "Now!" He suddenly pressed down on a button which was on his rightmost handle, and the lightning suddenly disappeared, allowing Rox and Kiana to swerve to the sides in opposite directions.

"Rox, Kiana, be careful with those bikes, since they hover off the ground, they don't have the friction to make them turn as slowly as you want, so you've gotta use that to your advantage," Black explained through the radio. Rox understood this well, and thus, he proceeded with caution throughout the barren land, scouting out for a sign of life. "Black, the sand's messing with my radar," He explained through the radio. "Use your eyes, don't worry about radar right now, from what I understand, Dreamripper doesn't do well with extreme heats, and so I doubt he'd choose to burrow into the ground," Black explained. Rox did this, and continued to search for the Vector, going hundreds of miles out, finding nothing.

Now, Rox was in the middle of nowhere, but where he was, the sandstorm was much lighter, so he stopped for a moment and let his feet rest on the ground as his bike idly hovered, slipping off his helmet and wiping the sweat from his forehead. He looked around as the crisp grains of sand which flew through the air blew into his face. He took a deep breath and looked around him, using his hand to shield his eyes from the sand. Suddenly, he heard a voice - Distorted, like one which a half-vector would have. Yes, that'd be an accurate description of the ring it had to it when whomever it belonged to spoke, "You're not like the others," It said, "You're... different."

"Who's that? Where's that voice coming from?" Rox asked, only slightly alarmed at the moment. Then, suddenly, a figure walked from the veil of sand which they'd been standing in, revealing themselves to be a Vector- Though, not just any Vector, no, it was the exact Vector who they were looking for - Dreamripper. His legs were odd, and looked like human legs without knee-caps, which had been bent and had a majorly overgrown foot, the knee being a bit overgrown itself. On his slanted feet, where one's toes would go, were two claws each, that almost looked as if they were made from some kind of metal. His arms hung idly from his body, and he slouched a bit, with some kind of blackened veil which resembled a cloak of some sort, hanging from his back, moving gently according to the direction of the wind.

"You're not a human... But you're not a Vector, either, so what are you, dear mystery?" He asked, stepping a bit closer. On sight of his step closer, Rox pulled out his revolver, cocked the hammer back, and pointed it right at Dreamripper, "Not a step closer," he said, in a bold tone. Dreamripper stopped, and looked at Rox, letting out a sigh, "I guess you are the same, aren't you..? You humans are all so quick to turn to violence." "Us? We're quick to turn to violence? Your kind murdered millions of mine, and you're saying that we're quick to turn to violence?" Rox asked. "It is true that my kind has done such a thing.. But not by choice..." Dreamripper said, suddenly opening up a whole new line of thought to Rox. "Wait, what?" Rox asked, "What do you mean, not by choice? Are you saying that they're forced to murder us?" Dreamripper nodded.

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