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Kiana, whose hair was gradually whitening, laid in her bed asleep as Rox watched over her. Thoughts ran wildly through his head as he looked at her sleeping face. Together with her, his sister who he loved so dearly who he had thought to be dead, he'd taken down Jet, a man-slaughtering creature with a high danger level. He should have been overjoyed, but he wasn't. He was joined at the core with so many emotions, which he couldn't decipher on his own. Why did Rin even help him with that? Wouldn't Rin side with Black? They had a history together, so why did he side with Rox, a person he'd met no more than two months ago? To Rox, Rin had always been an enigma. All of these thoughts came to a stop when Kiana awoke with a jolt. She panted, beads of sweat running down her face as she leaned up, panicking. "Kiana! Kiana!" Rox called out, climbing on top of her and placing his hands on her shoulders. "Calm down!" He said as she looked around hysterically. "R-Rox?" She asked, sweating. "Yeah! Yeah, it's me, so calm down," He responded. She steadied her breathing gradually and looked down. Soon, she calmed down and Rox climbed off of her. "So you found out?" She asked, looking down with a small, fake smile. "Yeah, why didn't you just tell me? It would've been easier for all of us that way," Rox explained. "If I'd told you, you would've gone after me every time I became Guardian, and that would have put you in danger.." "I don't care if I'm in danger, I thought you were dead, and now that I know you're not, I have to protect you no matter what the cost is." "This is why I didn't want to tell you, I knew you'd be like this." "That's pretty obvious. You're my sister, damnit. Of course I'm going to try to protect you." "Exactly, and now you'll be in danger because of that." "I'm pretty sure I can handle myself, I've done pretty well so far." "Rox, you've had help this whole time. You had help from me this time, you had help from Black and Rin the first time, you've been carried this whole time." "No, you're wrong about that. This has all been my choice, and nobody else's. I was even able to defend myself from being killed on our last mission." "What do you mean?" Kiana asked, raising an eyebrow. Rox covered his mouth, for he had let valuable information slip so easily. "Rox, tell me what you mean," She said in a firm tone whilst crawling towards Rox, only to grab his shoulders afterwards. Rox looked to the side before he spoke, in an almost unsure-sounding tone, "I'm... a half-vector as well..." Kiana giggled in response to this. "I thought so," She said with a smile. "What? You mean you knew?" "Not exactly,  but I had a feeling that you were. I could sense it," She said. "How?" Rox asked."Do you ever get a peculiar feeling around me, or just Vectors in particular?" "Yeah, sometimes I get a little uneasy around them, but isn't that natural?" "Only for half-vectors." There was a rather lengthened pause of silence before Rox spoke, "Anyway, I'm just glad you're alive." He leaned in and hugged her tight, to which she responded by hugging him back just as tight.

"Rin, how far are we from Australia?" Black, who was standing behind Rin in the dome at the front of The Guerilla, asked. "Several miles," Rin responded, his hands on the steering mechanism. "Convert that into days," He ordered. "Probably two," Rin stated. "Very well, Bruno, do we have anything?" Black asked. "Nothing so far," Bruno responded through the radio. He was sitting in the back turret on the top of The Guerilla, using the radar at the bottom of the vehicle to scan their surroundings underwater. "Copy that, proceed," Black said before he walked down the hallway to the hangar, taking about five minutes in total. Crime was in the hangar, taking care of maintenance on The Weasel and The Silver Raven. "Crime, how's everything going so far?" Black asked. "Pretty good, The Raven's doing fine, but The Weasel is slightly damaged on the inside," She responded. "Gotcha', I trust that will be done within two days, otherwise we'll need a new plan," Black said before walking back down the hall to Kiana's room, knocking on the locked door. "Vicious, Rox? You two okay in there?" He asked. At the moment, Kiana was still within Rox's embrace. "Who knows?" She whispered. "Only you, me, and Rin," Rox whispered back. "Yeah, we're fine in here," Rox responded, lifting the volume of his voice. "Alright, I'll give you a few more hours,  but then I need you both in training, got it?" Black asked. "Alright," Rox responded. Black hesitated slightly before walking over to Shy's room, knocking on the door. "Come in," Shy responded. Black entered the room, letting the door close behind him. Shy was at a desk in the back left corner of the room, her eye against a microscope, studying the specimen underneath it. "Are you still working on Jet's DNA?" Black asked. "Yeah, things are looking pretty good so far," Shy responded. "Alright, I'll leave you to it, remember to get some sleep soon," Black warned before walking back out, the door closing behind him.

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