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It was the next day when Rox stood in front of Kiana's door, hesitating to knock on it. Then, as he swung his fist to knock on it again, it suddenly opened, revealing Kiana, who was clad in a black coat, behind it. "Oh, Brother? Hey, what's up?" She asked, raising an eyebrow "Kiana! I... I have a request for you," Rox replied. He moved out of the way as she zipped up her coat, walking out of the room and letting the door close behind her, "What is it?" She asked, as she stepped into the main hallway and began walking, Rox following behind her. "Wait, first, where're you going?" Rox asked, walking beside her as she put her hands in the pockets of her coat. "I'm going to train, of course," She responded, giggling a bit before flicking his forehead. He ignored the flick on the forehead and grasped her shoulder tight, though not so tight as to where it would hurt her, and turned her around, looking down into her eyes with confidence in his own, "Take me with you. Please," He said.

She looked up at him, a bit surprised by his bold and sudden action, but within a few seconds, giggled, smiled up at him and spoke in a care-free tone, "Alright~!" So, she did exactly as she said she would and took him with her. The two stopped in an open, grassless field, about half an hour later, when suddenly, Kiana stopped, her legs shifting form and propelling her off the ground, several meters away. She landed on both feet, smiling as she looked at Rox, her entire body shifting form just as her legs had, and finally, her Vector cords ripping out of her back, at which point she leaped off the ground, towards Rox, who was still a bit confused. Then, he realized exactly what she was doing, and rolled out of the way just in time to avoid her cords, which she used to pull herself down to the ground before shooting two of her cords at him at lightning speed. Suddenly, Rox realized something about her cords, something that he'd never realized before about any other Vector cords; He could see them coming at him, but how was this possible? He'd seen her in action before, and he remembered exactly how fast her cords were, in fact, they were some of the fastest he'd ever seen.

So, the question still stood; how could he see them? However, he didn't have time to answer that question, because although he could see them coming at him, they were still very quick. Thus, he quickly swung his hand up at them, from the side, swatting them out of the way, at which point time seemed to revert back to normal, and Kiana was utterly shocked at what had just happened. Of course, she'd never plan to actually kill him, and would have stopped her blades right at his forehead, but what he'd just done should have been impossible even if she was holding back, or so she thought. "What was that?!" She called out, in a bit of a distorted voice, "I-I don't really know, myself!" Rox called out, before looking down at his hand, clenching his fist. Now it's my turn... He thought to himself, before he shut his eyes and took a deep breath, pressing his teeth down against each other as he winced through the pain of his body changing form. How? How could Kiana do this so easily? How could she endure so much pain at one time, he wondered.

Then, he opened his eyes, which were now yellow, after having shifted form, and looked up at her, calling out, "You're not the only one here who has impressive abilities!" He called out, at which point she smirked and responded, "You're right, I'm not! But I'm the only one here who knows how to use them!" Suddenly, she leaped up, spinning around in the air, and came at him. Rox did the same, letting his Vector cords rip out of his back as he ascended. He opened his clenched fists and urged his fingernails to grow sharper, though, nothing happened, and before he knew it, he was descending towards the ground at more than one hundred miles per hour after being hit by one of Kiana's cords. He winced and grunted in pain as he hit the ground, back first, and slid a few meters, making a trail in the ground from where he'd landed and where he'd stopped. He grunted and laid his hands on the side of the lengthy crater that he'd made, and sat up, before opening his eyes, at which point he saw Kiana coming down at him with a grin on her face, ready to punch him. His eyes widened as he saw this, and he slammed his palms onto the ground, throwing himself back, landing on the ground a few feet away, in a kneeling position.

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