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Augustus stood there with the cannon which his arm had taken the form of aimed at Rox, the rod he'd thrown down only seconds ago which had just started screaming out a deafening scream constantly emitting this sound as Rox fell to his knees, using his hands to cover his bleeding ears as he called out multiple times in pain. "It hurts, doesn't it? Vectors have a heightened sense of hearing, in turn for a lowered sense of sight, but that's not always a benefit, as you can see now. However, I bet you already knew that, you're a smart boy, right? After all, you were able to infiltrate Team Alpha without Hawk's concern. I congratulate you for your skills, but even if I am retired from The Unity, I still see it as my duty to slay Vectors and thus, keep humanity alive. So, I'm going to kill you, you sonovabitch," Augustus said, his cannon still locked onto Rox, who looked up at him with an overwhelmed look in his eyes.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked as he scooted back on the floor, trying to escape, though Augustus simply followed him. "Exterminating another Vector, so the people of this earth can continue living at peace in the future," Augustus responded, a stern look on his face, "I know what you are, mate. Though, you're the first Vector who I've ever seen speak English. My scanners didn't read your friend as a Vector, but I'm sure she is, one of the sneaky ones, like you. One of the ones that glutton so much for human flesh that they're willing to evoke emotions in the humans, and bond with them, until finally, you're bored with your little games and decide to strike, well you won't get that opportunity, and I can promise you that." "You're right..." Rox said, as he rose, uncovering his ears. Augustus stepped back, absolutely shocked that Rox was able to handle the sound. "I won't get that opportunity, because I don't need it! I'm not a Vector! The majority of me is a human, right?! The Unity is supposed to have perfected technology, right?!" Augustus stood, wide-eyed as Rox said these things. "And if you're going to kill my friend after this... Then I might as well just kill you first!" He said, before he felt a surge of pain go through him as his feet shifted form, slanting upwards, six Vector cords ripping out of his back as he let out a shout in pain, his ears growing longer, his eyes widening and turning yellow. He got to his feet, now in the form of a Vector, his cords wiggling around. "You wanna see me as a Vector?!" Rox called out, fury within his eyes, his voice distorted. Augustus now looked up at him, backing up, looking into his eyes as he did. Suddenly, Rox began to grow dreary, and soon fell to the floor, falling unconscious. Soon, he returned to normal, leaving Augustus simply standing over him and looking at him. "Lacroix... He really... Isn't a Vector?" Augustus asked, falling to his knees. "How do you know?" Lacroix responded. "That look in his eyes, he was being protective of his friend, and not his own life. There have never been reports of a Vector throwing themselves at somebody for the sake of someone else, and The Unity confirmed that Vectors only have intelligence and motor skills, they don't have emotions... His eyes, were sheer anger, and he was angry because I threatened to kill somebody he cared about," Augustus explained, "He is not a Vector." Augustus let his arm fall to his side as it shifted back to its normal form.

Black sat in the cockpit of the six-wheeled, armored, military vehicle which he'd been driving before, when speaking to Rox over the radio. That was five hours ago, and he now looked up at the night sky, leaning back as a larger armored vehicle with two sets of tank treads pulled up to the left of it. He glanced over at it before he spoke, "Confirm identity," He ordered. "All powerful beings are all paradoxes," Rin responded, sitting in the cockpit of the vehicle that had pulled up beside Black. "Copy that, Rin, did you find anything?" Black asked, raising an eyebrow. "Sadly, I didn't, I suppose we'll just have to keep our faith in Rox," Rin responded. "Indeed," Black agreed, nodding his head. "God, this sand is blinding," Rin stated, wiping some of the sweat off of his forehead, "And it's hot, too.." "Bare with us, Rin. Rox should return within a few hours, and if he doesn't, we still have you to go scouting for him, I marked the coordinates which our signal cut out at, too," Black said with a small chuckle, "So we should be fine. Vectors don't like sandstorms anyway, the sand gets in their ears and eyes and messes their senses up if they don't have something to cover them with."

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