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And suddenly... Three shots went through her. At that point, my life had been decided. At that point... I was a half-vector.

Rox sat at his desk, leaning back in his chair with his game on pause. He thought about things like the world, Team Alpha, The Unity, World War 3 and most of all, Vectors. The manslaughtering species which he'd discovered the hard way no more than a month ago. Then, he let himself fall asleep in the chair, relaxed and waiting. Waiting for something, anything to happen.

He awoke. There he was, standing in the middle of nowhere in a seemingly endless black void of some sort. "Hello..? Is anybody there..?" He asked, frightened and ready to fight if he was threatened. "Hello." A miscellaneous voice said with an echo following behind it. "Where am I...?" Rox asked, becoming a bit less stiff. "Inside your mind." The echoing voice responded. "Well, I always did like the color black..." He joked, now at ease. In most circumstances like this, he would've been ready to punch whatever he saw. But here he was comfortable. It was a bit odd for him. However, it was easy. Easy to speak. Easy to move. Easy to breathe. The echoing voice chuckled softly. "So, why am I here?" He asked. "To make a decision." It responded. "A decision? Explain, please." He requested curiously. "You're here to decide whether you want to save yourself..." The voice began as a normal version of Rox appeared in front of him. The real Rox stepped back as he looked at this mirror version of him. He was on his PC, typing away with an expression full of nothingness upon his face. "Save your friends..." Then, a new version of Rox appeared where the normal version was. He had red and pink muscle-like cords coming from his back with blades on the end. Vector cords. They swayed around gently. This version of Rox had a determined look on his face. "Or save nobody." Then, a full vector appeared where the half-vector version of Rox was. "The choice is yours." The voice echoed yet again. "Friends? I have none. I had one friend in this life and that was my sister... But she's dead now..." Rox said in a rather aggressive tone. "You know that neither of those are true." The voice echoed. "That's bullshit. My sister is dead, I saw her die." "Did you really? Or did you just see that she was unconscious and deem her dead without checking her pulse?" Then, Rox realized that's exactly what he'd done. He'd saw her eyes close. But he personally deemed her dead. Gone. If she was alive, she was all alone on the outskirts of Tokyo when she awoke. "W...Where is she?!" Rox called out, tears now running down his face. Even if she forgave him, he could never forgive himself. "Closer than you think." The voice said. "Give me a real answer!" He demanded, aggressively. "I'll give you a hint in the form of a riddle." Rox realized that this would most likely be all he'd get from this mysterious voice and accepted it. "Fine." He said, "Give me your damn riddle." "What is red like a christmas tree, black like the moon, as stressed as can be, wiggling in a cocoon?" The voice asked. Rox could make no sense of it. He wanted to make sense of it. But he didn't and simply said he did, shrugging it off. "Have you made your decision?" The voice asked with curiosity in it's echoing tone. Then, it all clicked. All of the things inside of Rox suddenly formed harmony. "Yeah, I made my choice..." He said, letting his head hang down. "I'll accept my fate as a half-vector, I'll protect my friends and I'll pay the price. I'll repent for my sins." He said as he looked up. Then, the void turned white. It was blinding. He could hear a voice calling out to him. A familiar voice. "Rox!" It called. "Rox!" It yelled, ringing inside of his head. "Rox!"

Suddenly, Rox awoke from his slumber. He looked around. Then, he saw her. Vicious. Rox could have sworn he locked the door, but there she was, leaning over him and saying his name once more. He looked into those red eyes and thought for a moment. Those cloudy crimson eyes of hers. They were beautiful. However, at the same time they were undeniably deadly. "What...?" He asked before yawning. "We got a mission! We've gotta deal with a gang!" She said eagerly. "Alright, alright..." He said with a small sigh. He brushed off the dream he just had and turned off his computer before stepping out of his chair and walking over to the hook which his exo-suit hung on. "Aren't you gonna leave?" He asked, taking off his shirt. There were scars on his back. Bruises. Each one told a different story. However, each story had violence in it. Vicious stared at them, her eyes full of sorrow. Then, she brushed it off and looked up at him as he turned around. "I don't mind watching~" She said, winking with a smirk upon her lips. "Get out, you perv." He said. She did so and he locked the door behind her. Then, he took off his clothing and put on his exo-suit as well as his boots and gloves. Then, he opened his door and walked out of his room. Then, he swung into the hallway, beginning to walk to the armory. A few minutes later, he bumped into Kana who was also on her way to the Armory. "Oh, hey." She said, smiling. "Hey." He responded, also smiling. This was extremely rare. Rox? Smiling? It was something that would most likely only happen in a million years. He always had a grimace on his face. But not now. Now, he had a smile. Not a smile that said he was clever or proud of himself. A smile that said he was happy. Kana stared a bit, enjoying his smile. "Something wrong?" He asked as they walked. "N-No." She stuttered, blushing. It was clear that she had feelings for him after the time they'd spent together. It'd been awhile since she'd met someone as detailed as him. Soon, they arrived at the armory.

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