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"Hey, Doc... Doesn't this rhythm look a little strange to you?" A soldier, who stood beside a doctor over a heart monitor which was beginning to break it's own record. "No... It can't be..." The doctor responded, before shaking his head and clearing his mind, "Warn the facility. Code 96-VT... Get this place cleared out, we need to evacuate this entire city..." The doctor said, hysterically. "Doc, calm down... What exactly is happening?" The soldier asked, raising an eyebrow out of curiosity. "It has awoken..." The doctor responded, with a look more serious than death itself. "Just go, warn the facility! Quickly!!" Then, through the wall very suddenly it burst through. A creature, that looked as if it was around eight or nine feet tall, slouching.

"Wow... This room is huge..." Rox said, amazed at how large the room was. In his arms he held a large box. The room was floored with a nice, soft carpet. In the corner was a large, black bed which had yet to receive a pillow or blanket. At the foot of the bed, against the wall there was a radio. Rox leaned over and put the box down. "This computer... It was really heavy before... Guess I just got stronger over time..." Rox said to himself before getting on his knees before the box, opening the flaps to reveal his computer. "I'll need my desk first..." Rox said, sighing lightly. Then, the door opened, revealing the bulky man, Bruno. He was leaning over, supporting Rox's desk on his back as he carried it in. "You rang?" He said with a smile. "Th-thanks." Rox stuttered, not used to thanking people due to the fact that he was usually independent. "Where do you want it?" Bruno asked, raising an eyebrow. "Over there is fine." Rox responded, pointing at the corner opposite to the one which his bed resided in. Bruno walked over to the corner and set the desk down, positioning it to where it was perfectly aligned with the corner. "Thanks, Bruno. But, you didn't have to put it directly there, I could've done that later, you know..." Rox said, looking up at him as he lifted the CPU out of the box he had been kneeling in front of. Then, he placed it ruggedly at the edge of the desk near the wall. "No, I won't accept that." Bruno said, before walking over and slipping Rox out of the way before positioning the CPU to where it was perfectly aligned with the wall and the desk. Rox's eye twitched lightly, either from agitation or confusion. Then, he lifted the monitor out of the box and placed it near the CPU, ruggedly once again. "Stop, stop, stop." Bruno said before scooting Rox over yet again, positioning the monitor very straightly. This guy has major OCD... Rox thought to himself, his eye twitching once more. "I'll go get my swivel chair." He said, before walking out of the room. He walked into a long hallway and began walking down it before encountering a girl with her light brown hair in a ponytail who had ocean blue eyes and an eyepatch over her left eye. She was short, as well. Upon her back was a bulky sniper rifle. When he saw her, her face immediately turned bright red and she ran back down the hallway which she had come from, vanishing from sight. "Who was that...?" Rox asked, the message originally for himself however being intercepted by Bruno. "That's Shy, she's our sniper. Don't mind her. She's... Well, as her name suggests, Shy." Bruno said, with a small chuckle before Rox resumed walking down the hallway. "Call me if you need me!" Bruno called out as he turned the hallway, while Rox continued walking straight.

The hallway seemed endless and was quite long. In it's defense, the vehicle which it was housed in was quite large. Rox continued to walk, however. He continued walking until he got to the elevator which he had come up in. He stepped onto it and the elevator began going down. Soon, it reached the bottom floor and Rox stepped out the elevator as well as the entrance to the enormous vehicle. There, he walked over to the truck which was beside the Guerilla. He stepped into the back of the truck and grabbed his swivel chair. I don't need help from these people... I can do shit on my own, like I always have... Rox thought to himself, before lifting his swivel chair up and proceeding to carry it over to the elevator and step inside, putting it down. Then, the elevator started going up. This thing is pretty high-tech... Not just the elevator, the entire vehicle in general... It must've costed quite a bit... Rox thought to himself, having discarded the feeling he had experienced during his previous thoughts. Soon, the elevator stopped and the doors opened. Rox stepped out, pushing his swivel chair into the hallway, where he continued to walk with it until he reached his room, about 5 minutes later. He lifted the swivel chair and walked into his room before setting it down again. Then, he pushed it over to his desk. "There, done." Rox said, before plopping down on his bed and yawning. There, he would take a nap which would last no more than fifteen minutes.

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