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Black, Augustus, Rin, Bruno, Shy, Crime, Rox and Kiana all stood in a line, upon the sand-covered terrain of a cliff which hung over the sparkling blue ocean, which shimmered in the sunlight. At the edge of a cliff was an open coffin, and inside of that coffin was the body of their lifeless teammate, Kana. All of them stood there with their heads down, their eyes closed, and their hands at their stomachs, one on top of the other. They all were dressed in black, whether what they wore be a dress, to a tuxedo, to simple dress clothes, they all wore something black, and each and every one of them struggled not to shed tears, though the one who was on the verge of tears the most, was Rox, who was currently remembering everything Kana had done to him and how he'd met her. He was remembering how his thoughts of her as the insane girl who tackled him to the ground and held a knife to his neck as soon as she met him had morphed into his thoughts of her as a brave, passionate woman, who could stand danger right in the face, as long as she was still living.

The thing was, now she wasn't, now she wasn't living, no, now she laid there, lifeless, in a mahogany coffin which laid upon a bed of violets. As Rox felt two tears drop from his closed eyes, falling to the ground below him, Black spoke, "Raise your heads," He said, at which point everybody did so, Rox delayed a bit due to him having to wipe the tears from his eyes, first. Then, Black spoke again, in a louder tone, "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." At this point, a tear, which she quickly wiped off, rolled down Shy's cheek. "I have a few additional words to speak, but I'd prefer that if anybody has any words of their own which they wish to say, to say them first," Black said, "I'll go first," Bruno said, a few seconds after Black had said what he did.

"After a couple of years in this line of work, ya' start to question what's really wrong and what's really right," Bruno began, "The guilt of knowing that you've killed creatures who were once human, eating you up from the inside, the pressure of knowing that you'll have to do it again, just as perfectly as the last time, otherwise, you die, all of it eats away at a soldier's insides... However, sometimes, there are people who can handle it, people who aren't afraid of dying, people who can overcome any situation, people who are rightfully known as 'Overcomers', and for the life of me, I've never understood the lads and lasses; how they keep on going, knowing that they've done what they have... Kana... Kana was one of these people; somebody who could overcome anything, but on the day that she died, I suppose she was ready for it, and that means we can't cry, no matter how much we miss her, and no matter how valuable of a team member she was to Team Alpha. Rest in peace, old friend," He said, before clapping his hands together and bowing a bit.

When he leaned back up, Augustus spoke, "I'll go next," He said, before there was a small pause, which was interrupted when he spoke. "Now, I remember when I first met Kana, she was a brilliant girl who certainly knew her way around an operating table, or even a roll of bandages, for that matter. In fact, she saved my life once, on the field, after I'd been mortally wounded, and lost hope, she told me it was going to be okay, and then... She smiled. Smiled, on the battlefield, as countless rounds were slipping from their barrels, at the time, that smile had caused me to wonder whether she was even human or not, I mean, yeah, I'd definitely seen some weird people in my life before that, but this? This was a whole new level of out of the ordinary, an absolute phenomenon in it's own aspect. It was on that day, that I decided to start learning about the human body, and she was the one who taught me. Now, in all honesty, if I were able to cry, I'm sure I'd be bawling my eyes out, but I can't cry, so you could say I'm not exactly human anymore, but at the least, I'm still alive, and I have Kana to thank for that, so, thank you, Kana," He said, before bowing.

Bruno looked beside him, down at Shy, who was wiping tears away from her eyes, sniffling quietly. He laid his giant hand on her shoulder, the thing barely fitting, as he spoke, "Shy?" He asked, to which she responded by looking up at him, "I'll bet you'd like to say something," He said, with a warm, comforting smile on his face. "Y-Yeah... I think I will.." She said, with another sniffle, as she wiped more tears away from her eyes, "T-Thanks..." He nodded, still smiling, just before she sniffled once more, clearing her throat. He took his hand off of her shoulder just before she spoke, "U-Um... I'm not really good with speaking in front of people.. As you all know," She said, with a small giggle, "But... I'll try my best, for Kana's sake.. I suppose the first thing I should say is that, I really loved Kana, and that she was more than just a normal friend to me... I-I feel like we were much closer than others, and that I could talk to her about anything I needed, no matter what it was... A-As a sniper, somebody like her is really nice to have around, to relieve you of the pressure that comes with every shot, the pressure of knowing that you're being depended on by everybody, and that everything you do decides whether you hit or miss.. Wh-whenever I felt lonely, Kana was always there for me, and I could always talk to her.. W-We had intelligence similarities too... As a sniper, I had to know the vital points, where and where not to hit, and as a medic, that was what she was all about... I wish I could say more, but it's kind of hard to put into words, what I really want to say..." Shy explained. "Shy, don't worry a damn bit, you're just fine," Black said, looking over to her with a confident look, accompanied by a smile.

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