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"No you don't understand, look outside. A storm is coming, a bad one. If we get on that plane it'll be bad, really really bad."

The flight attendant looked like she was about to murder Dylan, "Sir, if you don't stop scaring the other passengers, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"I'll go, and happily because I'm not willing to die today."

Dylan was getting ready to leave, when he was pushed against the cabin wall, his hands pulled behind his back and handcuffs were forcibly placed on him. "You are coming with me," the man looked at the flight attendant, showing her a badge, "I've got it, ma'am, I'm an air marshal."

He was shoved into a seat in the back of the plane next to a big man that wasn't listening to anything he had to say. It didn't matter what Dylan said, and before he knew it they were in the air. He was trying to control his emotions, he's known for a long time that the weather was tied to him. He got extremely angry once when he was a teenager and a tornado ripped through their town. Thankfully everyone was spared, but it did a lot of damage.

He'll never forget what his father told him, "Dilly you have to be careful. The weather, it listens to you. That's why when you are really happy the sun shines brightly, or when you smile after you cry a rainbow comes out. So you have to learn to control it."

And for 10 years he did, he had such great control over his emotions that the weather could be normal around him. Everything was going great, so well in fact that when Dil got his college acceptance letter from a college across the country they both agreed that he was ready.

His first year was great, there were a few issues when finals came up and his stress levels would rise. But it was nothing more than some harsh wind that could be easily brushed off as something that just happens. But during his second year, everything changed. His father got sick, at first it wasn't too bad. But then he took a turn for the worst.

Dylan tried to come home several times, but his father kept telling him he was fine and he could come home during the summer like a normal college kid. But he didn't want that, his father raised him alone his entire life. His mother ran off as soon as she was released from the hospital and they haven't heard from her since.

"Dilly, I'm fine. I'm not going to die anytime soon. Just stay and finish out the semester, promise me."

What was he supposed to do? Argue with his sick father, so Dylan sighed and agreed. "Fine, but the second I take my last final I am out and heading home on the fastest train."

His father snorted, "planes would be so much faster."

"Planes are too dangerous, with me at least."

"You've had control for years Dil, you'll be fine." His father sighed, "go kid, go make some friends and actually leave your dorm room for once."

Dylan rolled his eyes, he leaves his room all the time, but only for hookups. "Love you too Dad." 

A week later he got the call from his father's doctor. "Dylan, your father has taken a turn for the worse. You need to get home."

The 18-year-old sat up scrambling to gather his things, "it'll take me a few days since I'm riding the train."

The Doctor sighed, "son, you need to take a plane. He has hours at most, not days."

His worst fears were coming to life. His dad was dying and the only way to get to him was to take a plane while his emotions are all over the place. "I understand, I'll be on the next flight out."

He scrambled around grabbing everything he would need and then he took a taxi to the airport. The weather went from beautiful and sunny, to dark and scary. But that was okay, he could handle some grey skies. But as his anxiety raised so did the bad weather. He sat down, trying to calm himself down with some deep breaths. As soon as it started working they called for him to board the plane.

The longer he sat next to the air marshal the more his emotions started to go haywire and the worse the weather was getting. Ice was starting to freeze the windows over. It was almost 80 outside when they left, there was no way there should be ice, no matter how high up they were cruising. Which meant that Dylan was getting to the point of no return.

There was beeping all around him, he couldn't open his eyes but he could hear people speaking. "Apparently the pitot tubes got iced over and the plane didn't have an accurate airspeed reading. This caused the plane to stall. The pilots didn't pull up in time and they crashed killing everyone on board but him. Now I'm not sure about you, but I want to know why the kid that was screaming about being on the plane that was going to crash is the only one to survive said crash."

The second man was writing things down, "it's not like this is the first time it's happened. It happened to Air France as well."

"True, but again there wasn't a kid screaming about it happening before it happened. And why is he the only survivor?"

"I think he was just a freaked out kid that was rushing back home to his dying father. He's 18, he has no criminal record, and he's been on the Dean's list every semester since he started school. He's on track to be the Valedictorian. I don't think he's some mastermind that brought down a plane."

"So what, he's just the world's luckiest person to be the only survivor when 200 other people died in the crash?"

"I wouldn't say lucky, his father died and he didn't even get to say goodbye. Now he has to live with that and being the only survivor for the rest of his life."

Tears fell down Dylan's face, his life as he knew it was over.

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