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Dylan's eyes went wide, Floo, no Yoongi just kissed him. His eyes darted to the top of Yoongi's head, he could see the jet-black ears twitching on top of his head. "I'm so confused," he whispered softly.

They both heard a chittering sound, meaning Bandit was begging to come in. Yoongi wasn't surprised, he was actually surprised that it took Jimin that long to come in. "Bandit," Dylan whispered as he reached out for the raccoon before stopping, "oh my God, oh my God. You are one too aren't you?" His head zipped around the room looking at all the animals that were filing in.

Yoongi nodded his head, "we are and we are so sorry we lied to you."

"Why did you? And where am I? Did you kidnap me? I was so nice to you," he sobbed.

The Alpha nodded at the others to go shift, not wanting Dylan to see it quite yet. Once they shifted they came back in, Dylan looked at them, he could recognize the pups by the ears on top of their head. He could tell who Bandit was immediately by how shy he acted as he hid behind Cinna-Jungkook. He turned to the last two, "MoMo, Hedwig?"

Jin nodded his head, "I'm Jin, your MoMo." He wrapped his arms around Joon's shoulder, "this is Hedwig, but we call him Joon."

"I'm Tae and this is Hobi," the Husky said with a boxy smile on his face.

"I'm Jimin," Bandit whispered.

"Why am I here? What do you want with me?"

Joon started to sob, Jin turned him into his body as he soothed the upset Omega, "you are in a hotel. Joon tried to make us some food last night and it didn't go too well."

"I'm so sorry," the Omega sobbed, "I've never cooked before, the kitchen caught on fire. We got everyone out but you were in the back of the house, Yoongi tried to go back in but he was too drunk. Jin had to restrain him. Jungkook ran through the flames and carried you out. We walked for miles until we found a hotel."

Dylan looked at Jungkook, it was just now registering that the bun had bandages all over his arms and legs, even some on his feet. "You saved me?"

Jungkook nodded his head once, "you are my human and I love you. Of course I saved you. If I didn't go, then my Alpha would have. He wasn't in the right state of mind, he could have been hurt and I would have lost both of you. Jimin and I wouldn't have been able to handle that."

The human cocked his head a bit, "there are so many things about that statement that confuse me. But we'll deal with that later, where are we?"

"A hotel, sorry we had to use your card. None of us have access to a bank, let alone money to begin with."

"It's okay Floo-Yoongi. I have more money than I could ever spend in a lifetime. So my house, is it completely?"

With a soft nod from the cat hybrid Dylan sighed as he sat down on the bed. "I know you can never forgive me, but I really am so sorry about that. I promise I'll never try to cook again."

"Joon, it's, well it is your fault and it's not exactly okay. But I don't think you are the type to do it out of malice. I mean you crashed through my window to save Jin," Dylan's eyes went wide, "oh God did you try and eat him and then realized what he was?"

The Omega blushed as he ducked his head into Jin's neck, "he did, he flew me for miles trying to find a home with other hybrids in it. We aren't illegal, but in order to be in our human forms we must be owned by a human. Most of us have been on our own since we were babies, some had families at some point and one of us was trapped in a breeding facility against their will."

They spent the next few hours telling Dylan everything about their pasts, the human cried for them, cried for how they were treated. "So what happens now? Do you want to be owned by me or are you going back into the wild?"

The snow was picking up outside, showing that his emotions were all over the place. Jimin ran over, climbing into Dylan's lap as he wrapped his arms around the human. "Don't panic please, it's July and it wasn't snowing when we got here. I don't know how we can explain it, but it'll be even harder if it turns into a full-on blizzard."

He tried, but it wasn't working. It was like when his father was sick. He couldn't focus on anything other than they were going to leave him too. They were hybrids that pretended to be his pet for months, one of them a year. There's no way they'd want to continue doing that. But could he handle being around them as humans?

The wind picked up, as it beat against the glass. Jimin looked at Yoongi before turning back to Dylan, "sorry about this," he mumbled before he palmed the human's cheeks and kissed him. Once Dylan started kissing back, Jimin wrapped his arms around the human's neck. Pulling their bodies closer together. The Omega moaned before he rocked his body on top of the human.

His pheromones caused Yoongi to groan, then he smelled the Omega's slick. He took a step closer, only to be stopped by Jungkook. The Beta shook his head, Dylan needed this, even if it would be extremely hard for the Alpha not being involved. Jungkook wrapped his arms around Yoongi's middle as he proceeded to latch onto the Alpha's scent gland. It was the only way to keep the Alpha in check.

Jimin whimpered as he rocked his hips a few more times, Dylan groaned, his hands gripping the sides of Jimin's hips. No one was certain if it was to prevent Jimin from moving, or encourage him to move more.

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